

Aw: Modules not rendering correctly


Hi eunios,

maybe a non-closing div in your custom module?

Btw: you should considdeer to upgrade to 12.2 - Tiki 12 replaced 11 and 12 is LTS (Long Term Support).

PS: you should have a look at Tiki soon to be released pre-14 trunk, which is just a last step to 15 LTS ... why? ... cause since Tiki 13 we have integrated Twitter Bootstraps Responsive Design Framework, which replaces the old design system of Tiki.

Besides other changes and enhancements, Bootstrap makes it much easier to design nice Tiki websites ... and ... I think a Bootstrap base theme might be good for a mx5 miata Wiki ... just thinking ...

Tell me, if the hint with the custom module was helpful, or if you need more help.


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