Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Custom access denied message

posts: 3 Germany

Hi *,

I like to have Tiki redirecting every unregistered access to the login page (as usual), but without the warning message in red, and instead a custom message. Is this possible and how?


posts: 3 Germany

OK, thank you, I made it work with a wiki page with this content:


But it doesn't look good: The original login page displays the login form in a small box in the middle of the page. My page has a box that fills the whole width of the page. And the register and forgot password links are in a list with the bullets on the left and the text on the right. How can I fix this? It would be perfect if it looks just like on the original page.


posts: 3 Germany

Thanks again, Rick. Your demo page looks just like my one should. Could you please paste the wiki markup here, as I couldn see it on the demo site, and I didn't succeeded when playing around with the settings.
