- Date and time of this meeting
We discussed several times and agree this should be done this year: shift the meeting time so people that are usually not with us can join. I’m thinking of people in the North and South American continents that may have a problem to join during working hours.
While it was "agreed" to make this happen, it can’t happen if people don’t vote.
It wouldn’t be fair to list names and/or send specific emails, but we really want some people we didn’t chat with a long time to be with us. Please cast your time here : https://tiki.org/Roundtable-Meeting-2020-03#Votes
Vote will be closed in five days!
- Git: commit, fork, semi-automatic merge, merge and gluten-free guidelines
As we are working to release the best Tiki as possible (Tiki 21 LTS), it is wonderful to see the community working together and experimenting with GIT.
We can’t thank enough the people with knowledge taking their time to baby-sit our Gitlab repo and guide the Tiki community.
However, several discussions started about the right method to commit, how to fork, what about the semi-automatic merge process in the Git era, etc.
While clarification and explanation keep coming, some changes and adjustments have been made and are needed.
I believe this TRM is a very good opportunity to continue improving and adjusting the guidelines.
I encourage people with knowledge and people who know about to use Git (and everyone in fact) to participate in a second-hour discussion about Tiki and Git.
- Tiki 21 release and other Topics
We have very very beautiful baby about to born or may be it will just be "out of the oven" by this TRM meeting time.
Let’s talk about it and any topics you’d like to.
Tiki Roundtable Meeting - March 2020
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist -For our next Tiki Roundtable Meeting, I’ll be the facilitator and I have some stuff in mind I’d like to share and see what's happening. Visit the following page, enter your date and time preference and join us for two hours of Tiki video chat.