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CVS Problems - Explained

Damian Parker -

After many many hours of looking through CVS history and logs and various checkouts from many dates during the beginning part of this year, we finally have a explanation.... read more for the full details

We have CVS Problems!

Damian Parker -

Attention all Tiki Developers with CVS access! We have problems on our CVS area. Quote new files added on HEAD are present in release_eta_carinea_rc1 branch with no reason. Release 1.7.6 didn't suffer such invasion, the problem looks like recent. The 'guilty' files are from various committers, so it should not be a commit problem but a repository-wide problem.
We are looking for skilled cvs wizards to step forward and help us! Read more for a copy of an email mose sent to the Tiki Developers mailing list.

PCQuest Linux 2004 Includes TikiWiki

Jonathan Smith -

Will LUGs (Linux User Groups) in India adopt TikiWiki for their portal / groupware / content management needs? Now there is a better chance; the 2004 release of PCQ Linux, a Fedora Linux distribution highly customized for South Asia requirements, includes TikiWiki 1.7.4.

Mapserver User's Group Meeting and Open Source GIS Conference

Liz -

For those who have interest in the TikiMap feature, this conference may interest you. The Second annual Mapserver User's Group Meeting and Open Source GIS Conference will be held June 9-11, 2004 in Ottawa, Canada. This year the event will be hosted by the Ottawa Mapserver User's group that meet regularly. Details of the event can be found at our website: http://www.omsug.ca