
Tiki Website Gardeners' Blog

Maintenance/fix work for the bug tracker (resolution status) and issue summaries added to tiki 15, 16 and 17 pages (pivot tables)

Xavi (as xavidp - admin) Monday 09 January 2017


I added issue summaries to tiki 15, 16 and 17 pages (pivot tables)
and https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki17#Summary

Since there were many bugs with no value in "Resolution status", I fixed a few dozens (mostly mine anyway ;-) , but many others were hard to list them all. So ...

I added the field "resolution status" to the list of fields in the tracker UI itself, so that we can sort by "resolution status" and get the values with no data inside to fix with inline edition

In addition, since the source of the problem seemed to come from the fact that https://dev.tiki.org/Make+a+wish didn't expose the field "resolution status", the new items created by that form didn't get the default value "New" on them. So I fixed that, and did hide that field from the field (thanks to jonny to share how to do that since bootstrap era. I documented here: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginJQ#Hide_fields_in_Tiki_15_Bootstrap_ )

End of quicky-quick report.

