{tr}Browse Uploaded Images{/tr}

This page shows the {$numav} images that have been uploaded for use in wiki pages.

All images are shown as 100px-wide thumbnails.

{tr}Available Images{/tr}

{if sizeof($avatars) > 0} {if $showall eq 'y'}

This table shows all images, or you can {tr}view images individually{/tr}.

{cycle values="even,odd" print=false} {section name=im loop=$avatars} {/section}
Image Wiki Code to use This Image
Uploaded Image {literal}{{/literal}img src={$avatars[im]}}

You are browsing the images individually, or you can {tr}view all images together{/tr}.

Image: of {$numav}.

prev  {tr}Uploaded Image{/tr}  next

Wiki code to use this image:

{/if} {else} {tr}No images available.{/tr} {/if}