Tikiwiki Changelog ------------------ $Id: changelog.txt,v 2003/10/10 10:59:29 mose Exp $ Version 1.7.3 -Eta Carinae- * [FIX] PHP errors on edit wiki page if wiki descriptions disabled * [FIX] duplicated port number in some links if web server configured on non default (80) port * [FIX] Smarty plugin function.rss - fixed the bug where was missing for the list in user's created RSS module * [FIX] view forum thread right column wrap bug and some missing for , converted &=>& in links * [FIX] quick workaround for last submissions module which avoids XHTML code invalidity (empty
) when there were no submissions listed * [FIX] JGraphPad Broken under 1.7.2 (reverted back to jgraphpad.jar 2.2.1 (build 2) and tiki-editdrawing.php from * [FIX] wrong number count of items in the last forum topics module * [FIX] download from file galleries when database is used to store * [FIX] Image Gallery: Error processing zipped image package * [FIX] Error: Headers already sent * [FIX] Permission : User sees restricted Wiki page using URL trick * [NEW] 'Notheme' themes has some enhancements * [FIX] shoutbox module XHTML validity increased and in many other places too * [NEW] performance enhancement with a new cache system for article topics images * [NEW] link to tiki-shoutbox.php * [NEW] comments count for view articles list and corrected layout of "Read more" link (if there are no comments, it doesn't display the comments count) * [NEW] support for viewing user pages where user 'creator' or 'modificator' * [FIX] SSL Login not working in & 1.7.2 about SSL authentication * [FIX] cookie : multi-tiki on same domain name have now distinct cookies using siteTitle preference in case of remember me active * [FIX] cookie name and session name for users so it's localized with siteTitle preference (avoiding sliding auth between tikis hosted under same domain) * [FIX] problem with httpPrefix function in some redirects Version 1.7.2 -Eta Carinae- * [FIX] fixed wrong link to images in tiki-image_galleries_rss (.php.php) * [FIX] languages: de, cz, fr, nl, sp * [FIX] fixed SSL login problems * [FIX] fixed undefined variable in some cases on tiki-user_information.php * [FIX] allow admin to dump the wiki in plain html without creating a tar file, as the tar file seems to get corrupted in some cases * [FIX] select the next larger scale in image galleries instead of always using the largest one possible * [FIX] the description were ignored when batch uploading images in a zipfile, the description now applies to all the images in the batch * [FIX] fixed problem with "Gallery is visible to non-admin users" checkbox being stuck on y in tiki-galleries.php * [FIX] fixed problem with galleries not being visible to users with tiki_p_admin_galleries set in tikilib.php * [FIX] fixed problem with IIS where multiple zero length files were being created * [FIX] fixed Problem with large files in the file gallery causing memory exhaustion * [FIX] fixed bug where Categories keep a forum listed after it's deletion * [FIX] fixed the bug 'Wiki : Renaming page loses comments' * [FIX] fixed the bug 'Directory: "