

add logo top left? is the site and I added a logo but it overlaps tables or goes over the next row as if it is floating on top? anyone know how to fix this?

this is what I have for the topbar tpl

code<img src="http://www.howardcc.edu/images/hcclogo-300x.gif">
{if $feature_calendar eq 'y' and $tiki_p_view_calendar eq 'y'}
<a href="tiki-calendar.php">{$smarty.now|tiki_short_datetime}</a>

> is the site and I added a logo but it overlaps tables or goes over the next row as if it is floating on top? anyone know how to fix this?
> this is what I have for the topbar tpl
> code
> {if $feature_calendar eq 'y' and $tiki_p_view_calendar eq 'y'}
> {$smarty.now|tiki_short_datetime}
> {else}
> {$smarty.now|tiki_short_datetime}
> {/if}
> /code

too large? well Arent those 2 tables at the top, I though the logo would push the line down but it just overlaps the 2 lines....


In a test, I used a 220px-tall image for the site logo, and it worked fine, just pushing down the rest of the page and not overlapping anything. This was with the moreneat theme. Did you make any changes to code for the top of the page?

-- Gary