

Slideshow button in another position?

United Kingdom

I have designed and installed a new slideshow .css which converts pages to visual impairment style (large yellow text, sky blue links, black page background etc). I would like to locate a duplicate "Slide" button in the top left hand corner of the page so that users do not need to scroll to get to it. Any suggestions as the best place. For example:

1.Top of the application menu?

2. It's own Module above the?

3. In the header code/

An additional question relates to the code. My trials always bring up just the Home Page as a slideshow instead of the page being viewed.

No parse and preformating Wiki code does not work here for the code so I have substituted "chevron and /Chevron" for < and />.

Chevron a class="linkbut" href="tiki-admin_html_pages.php?pageName={$pageName|escape:"url"}"/chevron

Chevron div class="button2"/chevron chevron a href="tiki-slideshow.php?pageName={$pageName|escape:"url"}"/chevron slides chevron /a/chevron chevron/div/chevron

Advice appreciated.


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