

Removing Subgalleries from main gallery view..

I'm trying to keep image galleries that have parents from being displayed in the main gallery list using something like
in tiki-galleries.tpl line 149:

{if $galleries[changes].visible eq 'y' && $parentgallery eq -1}

but I get none of the galleries listing when I do that....
the alternative might be to do something like

if (!isset($_REQUEST["parentgallery"]){}


if (isset($_REQUEST["parentgallery"]) && $_REQUEST["parentgallery"] == -1){}

but I'm not sure when to check this condition...
does something like this have to be done in php or is it possible in a .tmp file? If so how?!

thank you,


Thanks to Luciash who created a selectable filter for the image gallery. Sub folders can now be filtered out!

Changes to tiki-galleries.php v1.27.2.17 and templates/tiki-galleries.tpl v1.29.2.29 make this possible...
however the galleries do not default to filtered lists but that can be remedied by changing links to the gallery like so: tiki-galleries.php?filter=topgal