Features / Usability

Features / Usability

tikisheet when hit edit does not show cells to edit

posts: 9
I imported a large-ish csv file and it shows up fine on view. When I hit edit, though, I only get the buttons at the top for insert, etc. and the save button and no cells appearing in between. What can I do to make those cells work? This is on a fresh install of tikiwiki 1.9.7
posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Tikisheet, afaik, is not ready for large-ish spreadsheets. For my own experience, there is a bug showing up when the table is bigger than about 30 * 30. Tikisheet in 1.10 has been improved (months ago), but the problem with big spreadsheets is still there, afaik.

Please, reply back if you can go any further with tikisheets.

