

How to handle translated search results...?

posts: 3665 United States

In addition to my other question...

It would be nice to allow users to use multi-lingual searches for translated pages. Consider the following example:

Assume that you have two wiki pages that are "in sync":

  • Page One (English)
  • Page Uno (Spanish)

A user searches for the term "FOO" which appears on Page One. Currently, because the search is "key word", the search results page returns Page One only — it does not let the user know that there is a Spanish translation of the page.

Since the wiki pages are in sync, we can assume (maybe?) the term "FOO" (or its Spanish equivalent) appears on the wiki Page Uno (the Spanish version of Page One).

It would be nice if the search results page either:

  • Returned both results
  • Returned only the English (Page One) result, but indicated that a Spanish version (Page Uno) is available.

Likewise, if the actual keyword search term appears in both Page One (English) and Page Uno (Spanish), the search results page will show two, spearate/distinct hits. Even though they are two separate wiki pages, from the user's perspective, shouldn't the search results page return a single result, with an option to view the page in English or Spanish



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