Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Email sent from 'user nobody' - cannot receive

posts: 3665 United States

Some things to check:

  • Did you assign a Sender Email in your General Administration?
  • Is the email address an actual, valid email account?
  • What is the sendmail_from value in your php.ini?


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posts: 22

Rick, Thanks for jumping in.

* Did you assign a Sender Email in your General Administration? - YES

* Is the email address an actual, valid email account? - YES

* What is the sendmail_from value in your php.ini? - no php.ini on my service. I spoke to their support specialists and said the php.ini is not available, but I should be able to add this detail to my .htaccess file. Been reading all morning, and have tried several options to no avail.