

HTML code instead of UTF8 in Interface translation

posts: 2


After installing version 2.0 I've realised that the Translation screens convert special characters to HTML code, for instance,

Miércoles instead of Miércoles (I saved this as a test; it is OK in the original es language file)

I've noticed that the search box in 'Edit translation' also converts the special characters of the search string to HTML.
Is this meant to be an improvement?

This creates two separate sets of translations in the same language file:
the old-style (UTF8) and
the new one (HTML),
Of course, one single sentence can present both cases.

Besides, the search cannot find strings with special characters if they have been saved as UTF.

The translation was working fine on v 1.9. I've cleaned the cache a couple of times, checked the encoding of IExploer and Firefox, but I cannot find a workaround.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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