Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Will TikiWiki navigation be customizable in this manner?

posts: 19


I have a question for you experienced users of Tiki Wiki please.

I wish to make the follow edits to the left navigation (leftnav) of a theme. I may use a theme that exists and mod it. I may create my own theme. I am not sure yet. My site content will be organized into sections, with each section having an identical structure but different content.

Here is what I want to accomplish:

1) Have a different leftnav menu on the home page of the site than on all the 'sub' pages of a site. The home page leftnav menu will have different content and will not necessarily be hierarchical. The subpages will follow a more hierarchical design, with a content list of the section you are currently in, plus a link to the other sections.

2) On leftnav each page of the site, have a drop down menu with links to several different pages. I want this menu to be on every page of the site, home and sub. It will have an onchange() javascript to send the user to the page they select.

Is this do-able by modding a theme? Are their allowances for this with Tiki and Smarty?

Thanks, let me know!

posts: 3665 United States

>1) Have a different leftnav menu on the home page of the site than on all the 'sub' pages of a site. The home page leftnav menu will have different content and will not necessarily be hierarchical. The subpages will follow a more hierarchical design, with a content list of the section you are currently in, plus a link to the other sections.

Pretty easy.

  1. Create two menus (one for the HomePage; one for all other pages).
  2. Create a new user module with something like:
    Copy to clipboard
    {if $page eq 'HomePage'}{menu id=1}{else}{menu id=2}{/if}

    Obviously, use your own menu IDs...

>2) On leftnav each page of the site, have a drop down menu with links to several different pages. I want this menu to be on every page of the site, home and sub. It will have an onchange() javascript to send the user to the page they select.

Very easy.

Just enable the PHP Layers Menu feature. If you're using the sample (from above), just use:
{phplayers id=1 type=vert}


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posts: 19
Thank you for the information. I will use your suggestions.