Features / Usability

Features / Usability

How can Articles Be Auto Approved?

posts: 40

I have defined a user security group called REGISTERED. I would like to have all articles submitted by a user in this group to be auto approved so that they are displayed and can be read as soon as they are submitted.

After browsing around the forums, I assigned the permission


to this group. All this seems to do is to add a button that says "Auto Approval Article" to the bottom of the article submission screen. (It does approve the article when clicked.)

I was hoping that there was a way to auto approve an article when the SUBMIT ARTICLE button is clicked. Can this be done??

I did see a post from 2004 that said...

"the perm tiki_p_autoapprove_submission allows to auto - approve some groups If you want approval for everybody - better to use the "edit article"command (that creates articles too) with the appropriate perms"

If using the "edit article" command is better, can someone please explain a bit more about this?


posts: 26

I think the "Auto Approval Article" is the same as "Submit" except it also approves the article.

The Submit button remains available so someone with auto approval permission is also able to submit an article for approval. The software doesn't know under what conditions the decision should be made so it offers both buttons. For example, a site might have a policy that editors should always Submit their articles for approval except when there is breaking news. Or that long articles should be approved.