

Problem with Russian letter - Need help to correct...

posts: 1

Need help to correct some malfunction in russian tikki!
Problem is:
when in text is letter "?" ??? "?" Tikki change it on two letters "??"
This problem occur with only this letter, but in text of page and in header of brawser....
Why Tikki do it?! And how can I fix this problem???

Thanks for attantion
Viktoro Urso

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Hi Viktoro, and welcome to Tikiwiki Community

No idea, and it doesn't seem an easy question for most normal users, I guess. I would suggest that you attempt to contact a Consultant to solve that problem for you ( I would suggest you contact Sylvie G., since she knows a lot about charsets and languages). Not all of us know that much about different charsets, etc.

Good luck, and I wish you can solve that problem.