LDAP / Active directory

LDAP / Active directory

LDAP Troubleshooting

I'm trying to troubleshoot my LDAP connectivity. I have modified LDAP.php according to documentation found at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/LDAP+authentication :

$this->options'debug' = true;

However, I'm not sure where the output is going. I think I'm missing something here. Are there any settings to do in Tiki or PHP.ini? I don't mind if get the output in any log file (under /var/log) or screen.

My environment:
SuSE Linux 11
Tiki 3.1 with theme tikinewt

Your help would be appreciated.


Hi Gabriel,

I had the same problem at first.

I tried going to the Admin page, under General, and scrolling down to the section Logging and Reporting, where I selected the PHP reporting level from the drop-down menu.

Now I saw this error come up after I tried logging in (unsuccessfully) to my wiki:

PHP (5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2) ERROR (E_WARNING):
File: lib/pear/Auth/Container/LDAP.php
Line: 330
Type: ldap_bind() function.ldap-bind: Unable to bind to server: Invalid DN syntax

But like yourself, I don't see any debug messages appearing still. cry


My environment: Ubuntu 9.04, Tiki 3.1, PHP 5.2.6, PEAR::Auth 1.6.1 and latest php5-ldap Ubuntu package (and pre-requsites).

I copied my LDAP config info directly from another wiki (DekiWiki) which worked fine with LDAP authentication.

But when I try logging in to Tiki, I get invalid password. As noted in my previous post, the error from the Auth LDAP module is:
PHP (5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2) ERROR (E_WARNING):
File: lib/pear/Auth/Container/LDAP.php
Line: 330
Type: ldap_bind() function.ldap-bind: Unable to bind to server: Invalid DN syntax

I've tried modifying enabling debugging but that didn't seem to work (same problem as Gabriel). I tried changing the error_reporting in my php.ini file and restarting apache2 but I still don't see any messages on the wiki web page or in any log file that I had specified in my php.ini.

Next, I ran some LDAP CLI utilities to test my connection to the LDAP server:

serverA% ldapwhoami -x -h ldap1.eng.mycompany.ca -D "uid=t821891,ou=people,ou=internal,o=mycompany,c=ca" -w temp123

returned this:

I also tried running:
serverA% ldapsearch -x -h ldap1.eng.mycompany.ca -D "uid=t821891,ou=people,ou=internal,o=mycompany,c=ca" -w temp123

which gave:

  1. extended LDIF
  2. LDAPv3
  3. base (default) with scope subtree
  4. filter: (objectclass=*)
  5. requesting: sn

  1. search result

search: 2
result: 32 No such object

  1. numResponses: 1

In any case, there was no complaint about invalid DN syntax that I got from the Auth LDAP module as shown above.

If I can't get this (LDAP authentication) working, I'll likely be asked to abandon tikiwiki and stick with our dekiwiki installation.



OK, I got LDAP authentication working now. I had accidentally entered LDAP Admin user and password in the PEAR::Auth configuration screen.