Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Slowness and Internal Processing

posts: 5

Seems not to be a major issue but a notice. I am seeing at times the site is slow, especially as I am adding more content. There are not that much data yet and continue to see a slowness.

Check with the hosting company and they did a watch for several days. Here is there response.

"I looked at the slowness problem with ccdsg.com. It doesn't appear that the script is spending the bulk of its time waiting for the database or any other resource, but rather in doing internal processing. I recommend asking at the official forums for the TikiWiki framework for further troubleshooting ideas."

Has anyone run into this problem? Are there things I can do (turn on.. turn off) that may be irrelavent?

Thanks Guys!!

posts: 2

Sorry no help, but same problem here. Since upgrade to 6.1 my site is vers slow and sometimes crashes, esp. when opening multiple wiki pages in extra tabs.

No idea yet what to do.