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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Updating database from 2.2

posts: 138

I am working on an update from Tiki 2.2. to 10.0.

Originally, I had some SQL errors updating the database, which I ignored. I have now run the update again an am checking the individual errors.

This will probably be the first of several postssmile.

One of the first errors is

Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

on the following query

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#sylvieg CREATE TABLE `tiki_sefurl_regex_out` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `left` varchar(256) NOT NULL, `right` varchar(256) NULL default NULL, `type` varchar(32) NULL default NULL, `silent` char(1) NULL default 'n', `feature` varchar(256) NULL default NULL, `comment` varchar(256), `order` int(11) NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY(`id`), UNIQUE KEY `left`(`left`(256)), INDEX `idx1` (silent, type, feature(30)) )

After searching with Google, it looks like I probably have text encoding UTF-16 with up to 4 bytes per character, which would reduce the maximum to 191.

Will it be OK to reduce the size of the 'left' column to 191?

(By the way this is not my live server. I don't know whether the same error will occur I finally do the update there.)

Thanks in advance

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