Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Search for Wiki Page slow, not working as expected

posts: 14 England


I recently setup my Wiki using version 11.0 my hosting company has allocated me 180MB memory for PHP. The site is working. I added the "Search for Wiki Page" module. However it appears very slow and sometimes does not pick up a key word, for example I type in a word I want to search for and the little spinning indicator goes round and round and round for absolutely ages. Is this because the site is not being indexed? if there a setting some where I can adjust to speed up and make searches faster and more reliable. I tried adding the "Quick Search" module but it said there was an error with this module.

When I tried tiki verion 9.x I did not have these issues, but would prefer to use the latest version.

Also the above search one appeared to search in Wiki pages rather than Wiki Pages and File Gallery, is there a search module to search in both?

Thanks all

posts: 14 England


I just noticed sometime the "Search for Wiki Page" module, appears to be searching only the "name/title of the page" but not the actual contents of the page. I want a search module which searches both at a minimum, is there one I can download add?

Thanks All