Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Blank page when listing tracker items

posts: 29 Romania

Hello, I get a blank page when listing the tracker items in a wiki page with plugintrackerlist.

Tried this two codes: https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=52076&topics_offset=7

From the trackers permissions if I allow the group to be able to view tracker, all the users in the group gain access to all the items, not only their own as intended. So this is a no no.

If with the plugintrackerlist I set the param "view=user" there is nothing displayed at all in the page for the user that did filled an item in that tracker!

I need each user to see only their own tickets/items of the tracker. Listed somehow in a page, how can I achieve that?

The only weird thing about the fields of the tracker is that I have two user associations, one at the creation of the item and another one by hand, later as the ticket is assigned to a person responsable for it.

What could be wrong here?

PS: I keep posting this and someone is deleting my posts, as I can't find them. Please don't do that, as the issue is not solved, it is very important for me, it is not a duplicate of some other post (even it is what could be the problem, do you expect a problem to occur only once?), I just posted also in another thread as it was related, but no one is responding there! So I am making my own thread.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

No idea where the other posts of yours are.
I've just read this one.

There is a setting in each tracker denition to be used in conjunction with the param view=user, in order to make that a user can see just his own items.

Please, open a wish in http://dev.tiki.org , and create a "Show" instance linked to it where you reproduce your issue. This way it will be easier to teach you how to set up your tracker in order to let you achieve what you are looking for.

The future Upgrade wizard (in trunk, to be backported in the future to 12.x) does have a screen where this feature is explained a bit more, since there was a change in the way tiki handles that behavior before Tiki 12 and in Tiki 12+



posts: 29 Romania

"There is a setting in each tracker denition to be used in conjunction with the param view=user, in order to make that a user can see just his own items."

Which one is it? And can a user after creating an item, listem them and on click modify only some of them (not all)?

Are you referring by any chance to the two options of the TRACKER itself, Permissions tab:

Item creator can modify his items
The tracker needs a user field with the auto-assign activated

Item creator can remove his items
The tracker needs a user field with the auto-assign activated

Because it works! With the first one, it lists the items.

But problem is they can access and modify everything in their items, can this be restricted to some of the fields?

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

yes, that was it.
And yes, you can , if you fine tune the permissions at tracker field level.
See Trackers and the child pages there

posts: 29 Romania

OK so it works as expected but I always hit some wall:
-users can submit tickets (tracker items);
-items are auto-assigned to their creator, the regular user;
-have a second user (an admin) that assigns himself also to the same ticket, via a second user selector, they both get notifications;
-the items get listed into a wiki page, only those submitted by the regular user via a trackerlist plugin, so they can see only theeir items;
-all the other fields are not being editable in the item, linked from the wiki page, except for the open/close/pend field and the subject field, as intended, because they should be able to edit those.

So basically I gave access with the "Item creator can modify his items" in the tracker settings, than I modified the permissions for every field. The fields that shouldn't be editable by the user after creation have the visibility set to "Visible after creation by administrators only" and the ones (status and subject fields) that should be editable by regular users to "Editable by administrators and creators only". Makes sense.

Now, I have set in the tracker settings a catch-all address in the Notifications tab > "Copy activity to email". But all the emails sent are no longer displaying the contents of the item!

I mean thy are empty looking like this (I guess as a consequence of blocking those fields?) so the admins have no idea what the ticket is about and whom is responsible to solve it, in order to edit the ticket and assign themselves also to it, given they have different skills in different areas suggested by some category and subcategory fields set by the user at creation (the question is how can I set an email address to be mailed every time with full details of the newly created tracker item in this scenario?):

Item Modification

Ticketing system
141 1

View the tracker item at:

Author: username
Date: 2014-05-23 09:54

Status: deschis





OMG this is generating waaaay to much problems, at every step...

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Define a wiki page for users with less privileges (submit tickets but not view all the fields of information in them, etm), and show tickets there with just the minimum fields you want them to see. (use PluginTrackerList with fields param)

And let your editors/admins use either the tracker feature directly, or another wiki page with a higher number of fields shown there.

This is aside of the configuration per field to make that field only visible to certain groups, etc., as you do with the tracker field edition, permissions section, etc.

You can also force users with lower privileges to view only tracker items through the wiki pages you define for them, but not through the whole tracker feature, etc.

Consider hiring a consultant if the setup you are looking for is too complicated for a person starting with Tiki.


posts: 29 Romania

OK, but I think we (users of Tiki) should be able to setup a tracker without a contributor. And I surely don't have the resources now to hire someone. Problem is the rights/permissions are not explained properly, at least for the trackers.

Let me start from the begining, this is what I need in fact:

Regular registered users are to be able to close their item, after creation without being able to modify anything else; but also they should be able to view their own items, to comment and attach files.

And the admins to be notified properly (with full item in mail).

Now - everything I tried is explained already, but all is messed up when it comes to notifications.

The thing with permissions on the page doesn't work for me, because I have links in the items list (the trackerlist plugin in the wiki page) and when someone clicks on that - they can directly edit their tracker item at /tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=XXX&from=YYYYYYYYYY

But, if I block the edit with the fields permissions, instead the link with the "close item" from the list (in wiki page) also disapears. One solution is to block users in fields, but allow in the tracker perms. And this leads me to no info in the emails, running in circles!

So this should rather work like:
-fields visible to everyone as I see this is the only way to get mails sent with the items in them;
-the link with "close item" to get displayed in the wiki page where items are listed;
-the annoying Edit/Delete button to go away when a user hits the link in the list, to his item, in order to view, comment, and attach to it); but of course I get the Edit/Delete button because I set "Item creator can modify his items" in the tracker settings or else nothing gets displayed in the list! *see previous posts.

Maybe I can add somehow an admin user to every item? Will this influence the rights of the emails?

How can I make the catch-all address from Notifications tab > "Copy activity to email" to be able to transmit the item? I mean with the contents of the items, tried filling in a admin addres, no luck (this behaviour should be the default anyway, it would be a life saviour).

Tried also to send an email with the tracker plugin via the email param - the same, nothing in email. Ah, also tested the watch for the tracker, and the Watches behave the same way, the emails are empty... I mean, come on, an admin monitors a tracker and he can't get an item of a tracker, if it is not visible/editable for all? Have no words to decribe my AWE here...

(Don't like this ideea) How can I link in another wiki page (and control) the aspects wich can be edited for a single item? I know that you can enforce this, but how to get the link in the list wiki page to the item wiki page? Because you said "You can also force users with lower privileges to view only tracker items through the wiki pages you define for them, but not through the whole tracker feature, etc. " It seems to me that either way they should go to the tracker item, because if you display an item in a page (don't know how to do that anyway) what about the comments, what about the close button etc?

Am I so wrong?

Example of non-sense tracker settings in Tiki (trust me I almost tried every possible combo, but I keep get a feeling that things are not in fact as explained, and that I am missing something): you have to enable "Can remove tracker items (tiki_p_remove_tracker_items)" in perms if you want the Close item link to appear in the list... do you see any obvious relation between the two? Because I don't, and of course you get now the Delete button in the edit tab... :-) when the user should be able to change the status and not to delete a whole item...

posts: 1563 Germany

Hello fakemoth,

just saw this thread (please mind my previous mail) ...

You say, permissions are not explained well. Would you be interested to convene some time and date with me and we do an online session for that?

I´d be interested to review and the documentation related to permissions and I have a growing community project, where I need to do traings for Tiki.

If you now have some issue with permissions and confusion with the documentation, you would be an ideal counterpart for me to get there and to create a win-win for you and me and the community.


posts: 29 Romania

Hey Torsten,
Sure that's why I am here, to learn Tiki, and I am more than willing to help; I consider myself a beginner in Tiki though. But I do have a nasty habbit you may use, as you might have noticed, to get to the bottom of things :-D well, when it's not working how my common sense and technical level tells me to.

Will also reply to emails, but can you by any chance offer a way to get the details of a tracker item in an email for an admin, given the explained situation?

Unfortunately it doesn't get reported often or at least can't find anything on the matter; I also polluted the search engines with my threads, and nothing else gets in the results. This makes me think I am doing something wrong if others don't have this issue.