Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Wiki syntax

posts: 2 Canada

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a tikiwiki for my summer job and the wiki syntax causes me tons of problems. I'm trying to set up an internal database of information, and the text I need to input as articles or wiki contains symbols which are part of the wiki syntax, such as '^', '_', etc., so it changes all the formatting. I bypassed the problem by inserting an HTML module, which worked, but as soon as I edit an article containing an HTML module, the formatting goes crazy and the articles are unreadable. I tried deactivating Tiki Wiki Syntax to go purely HTML, but that didn't seem to work either. Does anybody know of an alternative?

posts: 2 Canada
I've tried using the no parse code, but if I use it on a paragraph or a longer text, it messes up the whole formatting. I've read the syntax page on the docs, but this doesn't help me. I've also tried using the code plugin.