Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Security enable SSL/Https

posts: 1


To structure all my thoughts, inspirations and knowlegde, I have set up a home server with Tiki CMS.
Just an Odroid XU4 attached to myrouter.
Installed apache2 webserver, Mysql database, php7.2 and Tiki-18.1 all works great, makes me happy:D

Cause I want to access Tikiwiki from everywhere, it has to be a little more secure. like Https insteade of http.

tiki-admin.php?page=security says:

MySQL connection is not encrypted
To activate SSL, copy the keyfiles (.pem) til db/cert folder. The filenames must end with "-key.pem", "-cert.pem", "-ca.pem"

So I followed these instructions: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-ssl-tls-for-mysql-on-ubuntu-16-04

Which didn't work, Tiki just doesn't see any certs. So SSL still not working.

It seems logic to me the webserver (apache2) should create the certs, not the database. So I tried this

But I get only .cert and .key,. no .pem files.

Also searched the documents, forums, maillist, etc,. didn't find a single hint.

Has anyone a HOW TO setup Https for Tiki? things to try,. I am lost:'-(

Best Regards

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