Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Trouble with ports using Docker

posts: 2 Germany

Hi everyone,

I am trying to install Tiki using Docker-Compose. On my host I have an nginx taking care of https.
I can complete the Tiki Installer. I am choosing "HTTPS login: Disabled". But when it comes to login, it is calling https://wiki.example.com:5000/tiki-login.php which is obviously wrong, 5000 is the internal Docker-Port.
Here are the interesting config parts:

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version: '3.7' services: haproxy: image: eeacms/haproxy depends_on: - tiki ports: - "8083:5000" environment: BACKENDS: "tiki" DNS_ENABLED: "true" LOG_LEVEL: "info" tiki: image: tikiwiki/tikiwiki:latest depends_on: - db deploy: replicas: 1 ...


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server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name wiki.example.com; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443; listen [::]:443; server_name wiki.example.com; ssl on; ssl_certificate /opt/some/dir/cert.pem; ssl_certificate_key /opt/some/dir/key.pem; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; client_max_body_size 0; } }

I have tried a bunch of things to get things right, but with no success.
I have tried to update the configuration in the mariadb with:

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INSERT INTO tiki_preferences (name, value) VALUES ('feature_port_rewriting', 'y');

and I have tried to change the configuration for 'fallbackBaseUrl' like

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INSERT INTO tiki_preferences (name, value) VALUES ('fallbackBaseUrl', 'https://wiki.example.com');

but this does not change anything to this behavior.
I could of course try the use nginx 'sub_filter' to tweak the content of the delivered pages, but that seems wrong to me.
So my simple question is:
How do I configure Tiki to use just the right port?

Thanks in advance,

posts: 2 Germany
Boris Cassar wrote:
I could of course try the use nginx 'sub_filter' to tweak the content of the delivered pages, but that seems wrong to me.

I tried to use nginx with subfilter:

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sub_filter 'https://wiki.example.com:5000/' 'https://$host/';

That brought immediately the next error:

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[Mon Dec 07 13:02:38.138089 2020] [php7:notice] [pid 23] [client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:39708] \n**** Start CSRF error fromwiki.example.com *****\n The HTTP_ORIGIN host (wiki.example.com) does not match this server (wiki.example.com:5000).\n site_security_timeoutpreference:1440Sekunden(24 minutes)\n SCRIPT_NAME: /tiki-admin.php\n REQUEST_URI: /tiki-admin.php\n HTTP_ORIGIN: https://wiki.example.com\n HTTP_REFERER: https://wiki.example.com/tiki-admin.php\n REQUEST_METHOD: POST\n, referer: https://wiki.example.com/tiki-admin.php [Mon Dec 07 13:02:38.138192 2020] [php7:notice] [pid 23] [client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:39708] \n $_GET: leer\n $_POST: {\n "ticket": "TMcJzPvvZNSHarNoT2AaZMQBh5KLOXTwdpHkMbgSVGo",\n "pref_filters": [\n "basic",\n "advanced"\n ]\n}\n**** End CSRF error fromwiki.example.com *****, referer: https://wikiexample.com/tiki-admin.php XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - - [07/Dec/2020:13:02:37 +0000] "POST /tiki-admin.php HTTP/1.0" 200 82448 "https://wiki.example.com/tiki-admin.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0" XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX - - [07/Dec/2020:13:02:38 +0000] "GET /themes/base_files/favicons/favicon-16x16.png HTTP/1.0" 200 1039 "https://wiki.example.com/tiki-admin.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0"

Does anybody have an idea?
