Features / Usability

Features / Usability

No 'Safety' feature for 'Show Delete' in PluginTrackerList

posts: 228 Ukraine

When the 'Show Delete' option is enabled in PluginTrackerList, it displays an 'Action' column with an 'x' for each item. Good.

Additionally, there is a 'URL after delete' option to direct the user back to the list after deleting. Great.

However, there is no warning for the user like 'are you sure you want to delete this item?'. Not good. It seems like this feature is a bit 'unfinished' - users will always want some 'warning' message first.

There is a 'generic' warning when using PluginLIST, which does not pass any variables (I mentioned this in another post) but PluginTrackerList does not even have this.

Would adding this feature along with being able to pass a variable be difficult?


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