Features / Usability

Features / Usability

[solved] Change Subdomain of tiki installation

posts: 55
I have tiki installed in subdomain tiki.mydomain.eu and want that to change to wiki.mydomain.eu. Is it save to just chane the domain or do I have to take precautions? Is there a way to backup everything I did (settings, user(groups), permissions, wiki pages, modules, tracker etc.) by now to load it in case I need to?
posts: 126886 United Kingdom

One thing i always liked about Tiki compared to some other popular CMS's is that Tiki doesn't really care where it is, move to a different sub-domain, or put it in a nested directory and (usually) it doesn't make any difference.

So you should be fine, but of course make a backup first (and often). Just about all you need to do is make a backup of the database, and any theme customisations. To backup the database you can use any of the database management tools (phpmyadmin or adminer for instance) or you can use the console.php command, e.g.

Copy to clipboard
php console.php database:backup /home/backups/

For busy, precious, sites i'll also often set up an hourly cron job with a command like this to backup the data every hour, just in case:

Copy to clipboard
cd /wherever/your/tiki/is; php7.4 console.php database:backup /home/backups/hourly/ H00\\\h > /dev/null 2>&1

so you can roll back up to 23 hours later (then also have a daily and weekly/monthly backup too)


posts: 55
Great! That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks man!
posts: 55
Just wanted to give feedback: I have just changed the subdomain. The only thing that did not go smooth: I had to renew the ssl certificate manually to secure the new subdomain. tiki did not even notice. Login works, my mailform works, everything is fine. Great!