

I dont see the point of this page. All 508 related items seem to be going into the main HEAD tpls which means there will be no specific 508 theme. as all tpls and css's under the current commits will attempt to be 508 - TikiGod

We are streamlining a theme that should be an example for beauty and speed. In other words, we're introducing clean XHTML and thought-through CSS. This page summarizes what should be considered while shaping the code. Check out Style508 for more information.

Table of Contents




  • <table> gets some new tags:
    • colgroup (for complicated layouts)
    • thead
    • th
    • tfoot
    • tbody
    • summary (only tables used for data-listings)


  • <form> gets:
    • <fieldset>


  • class="tableheading"
  • class="normal"
  • border="0" in <img> but leave it for tables (tables are taken care of later)
  • hspace="8"


  • td class="heading" to th (without the class)

And ...

  • add comments to make source code easy to understand, but only use Smarty syntax: {* comment *}
  • all links get a title="" that start (ideally) with something like "Click here to ..."
  • all images get alt="", but no title attribute
  • use attr="value" instead of attr='value'

Created by: Last Modification: Monday 05 February 2007 11:51:20 GMT-0000 by Gary Cunningham-Lee
List Slides