
Board of Directors

Is the Board of Directors the same as the Tiki AdminĀ Group?

Pretty much, but with more legal formality.

The Board of Directors gives formal legal structure to the Tiki Admin Group. As the Tiki Admin Group has been the organically formed core group of individuals with the goal of providing general project direction and enhance coordination of initiatives within the Tiki software community, all Tiki Admin Group members are invited and encouraged to be on the board of Directors of the Association. Most, if not all, of Tiki Admin Group will be on the Board of Directors of the Association.

Nevertheless, in order to allow for proven and trusted community champions to participate in enhancing coordination of initiatives within the Tiki software community in the Tiki Admin Group, without necessarily involving them in the commitment overhead as Directors of the Association, exceptions will be made for Tiki Admin Group members to opt out of Directorship in the Association while retaining a right to vote in the Association on account of their participation in the Tiki Admin Group.

This framework takes into account that members of the Tiki Admin Group are volunteers, and may have employment or other personal commitments that prevent them from committing to full annual terms as Directors of the Association.

See also: Advisory Board

Created by: Last Modification: Tuesday 27 February 2018 00:42:37 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte
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