

User Documentation

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The ephemerides can be used in several contexts, from simple information about each day to display the comic of the day, the story of the day, etc.

You can admin the ephemerides using the admin link in the ephemerides section of the application menu, the screen on the left will be displayed.

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You can enter text and/or an image for each day. If you want you may enter many texts and or images for each day. In the admin screen you can create new entries for any day, see entries for some day and delete entries.

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As a user you can browse the ephemerides and see the entries for each day, the calendar can be used to browse different days.

There's a module related to the ephemerides that can be used to display the ephemerides for the current day, if there are many entries for the current day one will be displayed randomly.

Try it out

please link to the live Feature on tiki.org

For more information


Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 17:48:03 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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