
FOSDEM23 Collab Dev Room Tiki Session

The Relentless March of Markdown

And its arrival in Tiki 25


Following GitHub’s adoption and ”flavouring” of Markdown in 2009, many other major projects such as Reddit, Stack Exchange have followed suit, even WhatsApp now uses it to add formatting to your instant messages. That’s mainstream!

Tiki has long wished for a common wiki markup language, starting with involvement in Wiki Creole and inclusion of PEAR Text_Wiki adaptors since 2010? we started integrating markdown and now, in Tiki 25, offer it as an alternative syntax in all text areas, such as wiki pages, blog posts, comments and so on. In future versions Markdown will become the only active syntax.

Say hello to Tiki Flavored Markdown

I started an event on the FOSDEM site provisionally titled "The Relentless March of Markdown"

New Toys in Tiki 25

Created by: Last Modification: Thursday 09 February 2023 15:25:02 GMT-0000 by Jonny Bradley
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