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Knoppix Remastered

We compiled a new Knoppix 3.6 and Tikiwiki 1.9DR for you. Download mirrors at KnoppixTiki

(Original Page)

Ever wanted to add/remove some things in Knoppix? here you find a german article that describes how it works. Because this article is in german and some things are not explained best, i tried to create a step by step receipe how to remaster a knoppix CD:

First you need some harddrive space. You'll need around 5GB. Create a build directory and go there. Copy a knoppix iso image somewhere near (or in the build dir).

We setup some directorys:

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mkdir knoppix_cd mkdir knoppix_fs mkdir mountpoint

Mount the knoppix image (you could also mount a knoppix CD in a cdrom drive):

Copy to clipboard
mount -o loop,ro knoppix.iso mountpoint

Copy the knoppix CD:

Copy to clipboard
cp -a mountpoint knoppix_cd umount mountpoint

Make it writeable:

chmod -R u+w knoppix_cd

Now we need to uncompress the image. Therefore we need the cloop tools. Download them from developer.linuxtag.net/knoppix/sources. And compile the tools (we do not need the kernel module)

tar -xzf cloop_2.00-1.tar.gz
cd cloop-2.00
make create_compressed_fs
make extract_compressed_fs
mv create_compressed_fs ..
mv extract_compressed_fs ..

Uncompress the image:

./extract_compressed_fs knoppix_cd/mountpoint/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX > cimage.iso

Copy image contents (the rsync seems to be necessary to avoid duplication of hardlinks):

mount -o loop,ro cimage.iso mountpoint
rsync -Hav mountpoint knoppix_fs

Change something in the knoppix filesystem:

chroot knoppix_fs/mountpoint
mount -t tmpfs none /tmp
mount -t proc none /proc

now you can use all debian packaging tools to add/remove packages, and whatever u want. Keep in mind that the knoppix image is at the limit of a 800MB CD and you have to remove things if you want to add new ones. Remove temporary files and .bash_history things and that. If finished, exit the chroot:

umount /proc ; umount /tmp

Press CTRL-D to exit chroot. Next we create a compressed image:

mkisofs -pad -l -R -U knoppix_fs/mountpoint | ./create_compressed_fs - 65536 > KNOPPIX.new

This step needs large amount of RAM! You can slit the pipe in two parts, but then you need another 2GB harddisk space.

Now we copy the compressed image back to the copy of the knoppix CD:

cp KNOPPIX.new knoppix_cd/mountpoint/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Create a new Knoppix CD image:

mkisofs -l -r -J -b KNOPPIX/boot.img -c KNOPPIX/boot.cat knoppix_cd/mountpoint > knoppix_remastered.iso

Burn it:

cdrecord -v -pad knoppix_remastered.iso

TikiWiki on a Knoppix CD

What do i have to do to get Tikiwiki running at startup of a Knoppix CD:

Install Tiki somewhere. Create the database, fill it, configure your tiki. Go to admin->system and precompile the templates for the languages you want to use. Then

cp -a tiki knoppix_fs/mountpoint/var/www

Copy the mysql database (example: /var/lib/mysql/tiki) to your knoppix filesystem

cp -a /var/lib/mysql/tiki knoppix_fs/mountpoint/var/lib/mysql/tikilive

Make a symlink in yout knoppix fs

cd knoppix_fs/mountpoint/var/lib/mysql
ln -s /tmp/tiki tiki

Make a tiki startscript in knoppix_fs/mountpoint/etc/init.d/tiki

case "${1}" in
echo -n "Starting Tikiwiki LiveCD Environment: "
cp -pr /KNOPPIX/var/lib/mysql/tikilive /tmp
mv /tmp/tikilive /tmp/tiki
exit 0
("restart" | "force-reload")
"${0}" stop
"${0}" start
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/tiki {start|stop|restart}" >&2
exit 3

Automatic startup:

Copy to clipboard
cd knoppix_fs/mountpoint/etc/rc5.d ln -s ../init.d/apache S90apache ln -s ../init.d/tiki S91tiki ln -s ../init.d/mysql S92mysql

Download a ready made tiki-enabled Knoppix-Tiki CD =-

Yeah, just start a gnutella client like BearShare, Limewire or mutella and search for "knoppix-tiki.iso". The sha1 hash should be "MCLBECC3L7TDXF4LEPOYMSOSMXDAGXS6" and the image is about 692 MB. Share the image in your gnutella client to increase bandwidth!

More download possibilities will follow.



Created by: Last Modification: Sunday 14 November 2004 20:39:41 GMT-0000 by Florian Gleixner
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