
Open Letter to the Bootstrap Community

This will be sent later, when Bootstrap integration is more advanced

Bootstrap coming soon to Tiki!

At the Montreal-Ottawa TikiFest last spring, we made the decision to implement Bootstrap compatibility in an upcoming version of Tiki. The reasons: to refactor and modernize Tiki's visual layout as responsive web design, to ease the way for designers and web integrators to create and modify visual themes for Tiki, and to enable more theme options for Tiki site administrators.

About Tiki

Tiki is a comprehensive web application that takes a different approach than most. Rather than providing a core that outside parties produce third-party modules for, Tiki provides a long list of features in the project code itself. A strength of this approach for visual developers is that all the features and modules that need to be styled are already in the package and available for testing, and all are upgraded together for any new release.

About the Tiki community

Again taking a different approach, we collaborate on the Tiki project in a very inclusive way. We call it "software made the wiki way". Rather than submitting code to a core team that curates code changes, developers are encouraged to join the community and commit their code themselves.


The Tiki community has decided to move to Bootstrap as part of a Theme revamp project for upcoming version 13.

Tiki Suite: we encourage other apps to move to Bootstrap as well, such as with ClearOS.

About the license change, congratulations and thank you for reaching out to 500 people! It's quite an undertaking to get the consent of hundreds of people. Special thanks to Cameron Eagans, Julian Thilo and Rhodry Korb for making this happen.
Open Letter To The Bootstrap Community C

A growing list of applications supporting Bootstrap

Bootstrap is being integrated in Tiki as a core resource, available to all themes and features, in combination with Smarty 3 template inheritance and Perspectives for extensive control over content display.

About TikiFestBootstrap

Developers, designers and others who work with the Bootstrap framework were invited to come by TikiFest Bootstrap in Montreal and Ottawa, Canada. See the page for more details.

http://tiki.org/TikiFestBootstrap (9 days!)

Tiki 13 release date

Tiki 13 is scheduled to be released in May 2014. (A bit later than the normal April)

How to get involved

  • Read up on the progress so far.
  • Register at tiki.org.
  • Give feedback as a Bootstrap developer.
  • Participate to the migration
  • ...

The Tiki community
Group photo

Some sites running Bootstrap with Tiki



Created by: Last Modification: Monday 17 March 2014 16:50:41 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte
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