

This is the responsibility of the Fundraising Team.

Publicity in the Tiki Project

There is a rising need to define a common policy related the use of publicity (including promotion and advertising) of individuals and other organizations/projects in Tiki pages, sites, and activities, whether these provide direct revenues to the Tiki Community (through the Tiki Foundation / Association) or not.

Some examples might be:

  • the names / icons / ... of the other software libs or packages that we are using.
  • the names / icons / ... from companies which kindly host x.tw.o sites for free
  • the names / icons / ... for organizations providing free products to the Tiki Community, such as music for our screencasts, TikiLiveCD's, nice external documentation to doc.tw.o, ...
  • names / icons / banners of individuals offering Tiki-related services for a fee.

To facilitate this in appropriate ways, it is advisable to have a policy about publicity via the project web sites and Tiki activities.

The purpose of this wiki page is to collect whatever agreements or consensus we may reach about this subject.

The overall goal is to maintain the Tiki atmosphere of a voluntary collaborative project, and not have an intrusion of "for-hire" or other commercial aspects, but also allow and facilitate individuals' (or companies') promoting contract work, which can co-exist if done properly.


1.1.1. Text

Publicity as text links
Accept Undecided Reject
2 0 0
  • xavi
  • ricks99


1.1.2. Visual (graphs, images)

Publicity as images, graphic banners, ...
Accept Undecided Reject
1 1 0
  • ricks99
  • xavi


  • Xavi: depending on where. I would say: ok in a dedicated page for the agreed type of publicity (if any). Other places, it would depend on where...
  • ricks99: "Accept" with limitations on type (no flash, limited animation, etc.) and size (both actual dimensions and file size)

1.2. Depending on the type of publicity content

Need to define "publicity" vs. "advertising". (userpagericks99|ricks99))

1.2.1. Any publicity allowed

Any publicity allowed - anywhere
Accept Undecided Reject
0 0 1
  • xavi


1.2.2. Some publicity allowed

Some publicity allowed
Accept Undecided Reject
1 0 0
  • xavi Type of publicity:

  • From not-for-profit organizations which clearly contribute with goodies, support, advocacy or documentation to the Tiki Project.


From TW-related not-for-profit organizations
Accept Undecided Reject
1 0 0
  • xavi Where? Module in side column

In a specific module for publicity on a side column of tw.o sites

Publicity in a side column module
Accept Undecided Reject
0 1 1
  • xavi
  • ricks99


  • Xavi: It depends...

Publicity in the footer
Accept Undecided Reject
0 1 0
  • xavi


  • Xavi: It depends... Forum signatures
Publicity in forum signatures
Accept Undecided Reject
2 0 0
  • xavi
  • ricks99

Xavi: I understand personal posts in tw forums as personal, provided they are written as normal contributors (not in the quality of admin or any special other role). So that, I'm fine with users who add some links to their own not-for-profit business. Much better, maybe, as text links (on behalf on the bandwidth used)...

  • ricks99: Yes as long as it is promotion of a TW-related (or even web-related) service that is available for free to end-users, and not advertising. Dedicated page
Publicity in dedicated page/s
Accept Undecided Reject
2 0 0
  • xavi
  • ricks99


  • Xavi: here I would be ok even with images. Mainly not-for-profit organizations and clearly related to Tiki.
  • ricks99: On a person's community ))UserPage((, they should be allowed to post whatever they want as long as it doesn't violate Tiki's TOS (we have one, don't we), break any laws (copyright, trademark, etc.), and is not blatantly vulgar or distasteful (admittedly difficult to quantify...)

Support freedom

1.3. No publicity at all - no where (and "no way"!)

No publicity at all - no where (and 'no way!')
Accept Undecided Reject
0 0 2
  • xavi
  • ricks99


1.4. Others



Created by: Last Modification: Thursday 28 May 2020 05:30:44 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte
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