
ReleaseNotes 6.1

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Tiki 6.1 Release Notes

Release Notes
information This document includes important information about Tiki 6.1. Please review this information when installing (or upgrading to) this release.

For Tiki support, please use the forums.

Introduction to upgraders from earlier versions

If you are migrating to Tiki6 from Tiki versions earlier than Tiki5, you are encouraged to read first the pages describing the changes introduced in earlier versions of Tiki, such as:

as well as the page linking to the resources related with Upgrades

If this is your first installation ever of Tiki, welcome to Tiki Community! You'll find details about the installation here:

What's New

  • See Tiki6 for information on new features in Tiki 6.x series.

What's New since Tiki 6.0

  • Some new CSS classes introduced, so the wiki pagination of multiple pages syntax can be easily styled or positioned by theme designers

Important Changes in This Release !

You should be aware of the following changes when upgrading to Tiki 6.1

Prior to Tiki 6.1, in most cases Tiki did not escape HTML coding in menu items. This allowed administrators to add custom formatting or images when creating menu items. For better security, starting in Tiki 6.1, Tiki will now "escape" any HTML codes in menu options.

To allow raw HTML in menu options, use the new Allow HTML in menu items option (on Admin: General, Navigation tab). This option is disbled by default. Note that allowing HTML in menu options is potentially dangerous. If you use this option, be sure to allow only trusted users to edit menu options.


See Requirements.


See Installation.


See Upgrade.

Known Issues

Section Edit

For some pages (especially pages with 20+ sections), section editing may fail. Tiki may display a blank Edit window.
Workaround: Use page edit instead.

Code Plugin Wrapping

When using the wrap=1 option with the PluginCode with GeSHI, Tiki may not properly word-wrap the code text.
Workaround: Use GeSHI or earlier. See http://qbnz.com/highlighter/

Description in Browser Title

When Breadcrumbs are disabled the display of wiki pages' description in browser window title (as set on Admin > General panel) will not work. This is a regression (probably introduced in commit revision 30832) which previously worked in Tiki 6.0.
Workaround: Enable Breadcrumbs feature on Admin > Look & Feel panel (second tab) or use the SVN revision lesser than 30832 of the lib/breadcrumblib.php and templates/header.tpl file.


Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 16:07:17 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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