

Tiki 6.3 Release Notes

Release Notes
information This document includes important information about Tiki 6.3. Please review this information when installing (or upgrading to) this release.

For Tiki support, please use the forums.

Introduction to upgraders from earlier versions

If you are migrating to Tiki6 from Tiki versions earlier than Tiki5, you are encouraged to read first the pages describing the changes introduced in earlier versions of Tiki, such as:

as well as the page linking to the resources related with Upgrades

If this is your first installation ever of Tiki, welcome to Tiki Community! You'll find details about the installation here:

What's New

This is a security release to address an issue when using Tiki with LDAP authentication, as reported by Thomas Hommes. This update is recommended for Tiki administrators using LDAP authentication. This update is recommended for Tiki administrators using LDAP authentication.

Important Changes

There is no new functionality in this release.

Known Issues

  1. Random poll {poll} fails.
  2. When using the menustructure module, 2nd level menu items may fail to appear. You will need to add the following to your CSS:
    Copy to clipboard
    div.box {overflow:visible !important}


Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 16:22:40 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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