

Release 1.9 rc1

released on monday 21st june

Known Issues

  • tiki-install.php spits out many "variable undefined" errors (they are not critical; Tiki will install and work fine).
  • tiki-admin_categories.php's category browser is bugged when adding many levels of subcategories.
  • Tiki's search engine does not respect permissions.
  • Tiki uses too many cookies; problems arise when one exceeds the browser's limit on number of cookies per domain.
  • The lib/webmail/pop3.php library is GPL'ed. Should replace with an LGPL library like Net_POP3 or Net_IMAP.
  • Replies to replies to forum topics are hidden when viewing forum topics (avoid using the forum).


mose 2004/05/02 23:19 : (MOD) * Added 'add' function to tikibot with IrcHook trick

Bugs fixed

  • Remove a hardcoded courier font selection for monospaced Wiki text and just use a tt tag pair.
  • Change parse_data to properly recognize a .. .page. .. marker. Without this change, lists and div's were not being properly closed out.
  • Change some hardcoded <br> and <hr> tags to be the XHTML compatible form (<br /> and <hr />).
  • Parse absolute URI correctly in group home page setting
  • Avoid sending user back to registration page on first login
  • spreaded javascript protection for delete direct links (musus)
  • Fixed case of missing end quotes in the admin menus tpl file Damian
    also in the same file around the x delete icon was nasty characters from a windows editor! Let that be a warning to all!
    make sure you check your editor is compatible with the Tikiwiki CVS
  • Fixed the repeated Re's in the tiki forums when use reply to post Damian
  • XHTML validation
    • Global replacement of <br> and <br/> to <br /> - Damian
    • backlinks on wiki page (form) Damian
    • smarty function: jspopup (onclick tweakd) Damian
    • tiki-show_page - fixed stray table cell marker and added alt tags Damian
  • no more .tmp files generated in the system root dir halon
  • fixed pagination bugs in Galaxia halon
  • fixed diff - merge from 1.8.1 branch and flipped colors for added (green) and removed (red) stuff luci
  • RSS feeds : Display bullets out of page ohertel introduced with 1.8.3
  • HTML enabled wiki pages : Capital <TABLE> causes many lines ohertel introduced with 1.8.3
  • Search: user input not checked for unwanted chars ohertel introduced with 1.8.3
  • RSS feed is not per gallery swayambhu, introduced with 1.8.2
  • hardly qualifies as a bugfix...but the Admin icons now have transparent backgrounds; somebody please post this into CVS - van_woods
    • Note that this seems to be based on the 1.8 icons while HEAD uses new ones apparently to avoid problematic transparency, filling to make a square. Please check who committed and agree before (probably it's colorado) Chealer9
  • SF BUG: #832698: All chart items showing in individual Chart Views patvdv. Also changed the templates/tiki-view_chart.tmpl not to show the tiki_chart_items.URL field when it's empty (and avoiding creating an unnecessary URL link)


  • Trackers
    huge overhaul by mose, including:
    • possibility to display a direct link to comments or to attachment in view list, optionnaly (mose)
    • options are now available to choose the fields of attachements as well as display order (mose)
    • enhanced look and friendliness with use of tabs (soon with an admin panel for style customisation).
    • new field type : jscalendar, an alternative to date field (mose)
    • new field type : action, a web request builder to automate actions from tracker items.
    • new field type : image to include an image in an item (gillesm)
    • new field type : header, to display passive field with a subtitle in forms (mose)
    • new field type : category, with optional parent id to include categorization inside the stream of the form (mose)
    • new field type : tracker item, to auto-link a 1 to 1 relationship to another tracker item (mose)
    • new field type: tracker links, to link to several tracker items matching on a field content (mose)
  • Calendar
    • major debug
    • use of jscalendar is that feature is checked (mose)
    • enabling of group calendar with perms checking. (mose)
  • User menus
    • new item in user menus: separator (mose)
    • Added Horizontal menu support to the phplayers menu Damian
    • Added vertical menu support too (mose)
    • Remember to use a phplayers menu enabled theme with phplayers menu (moreneat, gemsi, startiki, ..)
  • Categories
  • Articles
    • Added topic=>topicname parameter to the ARTICLES plugin, to filter to a topic if wanted - Damian
    • adding toplink, subtitle, link, image caption and language to articles (mose)
  • Maps
    • icon based navigation interface (franck)
    • quicktags for mapfile edition (franck)
    • the name of the map appears on the browser title (franck)
    • MyTiki preferences now contains lon/lat entry for upcoming user map(franck)
  • RSS Feeds
    • RSS: New 'refresh' button on admin page for external rss feeds ohertel
  • Polls
    • Polls can now be configured to ignore anonymous votes, and this is the default. rlpowell
  • Abandoned Core
    • use of TIKI_PATH defines to support executing of page in sub-directories (spider)
      that is not a good idea as it involves too much change in the environment. It won't be included in Tiki — mose
  • Galaxia
    • added some handy smarty-function-quicktags to the template code editor. halon
    • if a process graph exists it gets show in the process overview with an imagemap, so you can click-start any activity you've got permission to. It's also a bit easier to visualise a process by a user. halon
  • Games
    • Games section usability improved greatly (techtonik)
  • Subcomments
    • Subcomments texts are always displayed with a reply button in a <ul class="subcomment"> tag. (NB: This class doesn't need to be special if ul is not special) (sylvie)
  • Php error reporting
    • The php error reporting can be set globally for the site (except for homework section) (sylvie)
  • Webmail
    • Can receive mail in iso-8859-1 and utf8 . If the multibyte php extension is installed, other encoding are accepted (sylvie)
  • Wiki
    • New option which requires anonymous editors to input an anti-bot code (terence)
    • New option to place an icon next to external links (terence)
    • Add a Wiki formatting mode that will put consecutive lines of plain text into a block surrounded by HTML paragraph tags. This behavior is conditioned on the $feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting flag.
  • Multi tiki
    • The isntaller (tiki-install.php) now includes the management of multi-tiki (mose)
    • full separation of content from virtual tikis (stylesheets and templates too) (mose)

New features

  • New Admin Screen for managing Meta Tag details and geo url information Damian
  • New theme ))TarynsWorld(( - Damian
  • New theme: Gemsi by (mose)
  • New theme ))Olive-red(( - ohertel
  • New theme ))Olive-blue(( - ohertel
  • New Plugin ATTACH that displays attachments in wiki-like page. that usually are hidden far at bottom, now they can be included in text. (mose)
  • New experimental TRACKER plugin to include a tracker form in a wiki page (mose)
  • New theme Redgrey by Damian
  • New theme 3dblue by Damian
  • New Filtering of words for shoutboxes Damian
  • New smarty function tikicon to support icon themes btodoroff
  • Use of $category in templates to make templates based on categorised pages if theme control is enabled (franck)
  • SF RFE: 887918 - RSS Feed for directories - rss feeds for last links and last links in a specific directory ohertel
  • New experimental formula plugin by gmuslera to include a ))LaTeX-style(( math formula in wiki pages. In wiki-plugin-dist directory because the required programs are GPL and only supported on Linux at present. The code is disabled due to a security issue. Tiki admins operating in a secure environment can easily enable the code via a simple edit.
  • Online Spreadsheet manipulation by Louis-Philippe Huberdeau
  • New CAS (Central Authentication Service) authentication option using phpCAS (terence)
  • Experimental BLOGLIST wiki plugin that list the entries of a blog in a wiki page gmuslera
  • Site Logo and Identity feature luci
  • java plugin for wiki-3d display (lfagundes)
  • member activity scoring new feature (lfagundes)
  • Friends network integration (lfagundes)

Created by: Last Modification: Monday 20 November 2023 17:44:31 GMT-0000 by Victor Emanouilov
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