
Roundtable Meeting 2016 07

Volunteering Facilitator:Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Meeting time proposals

Meetings are scheduled in UTC timezone!
Please check your own timezone here.

Meeting time: 11:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
2 2 2
  • Jyhem
  • Torsten
  • Bsfez
  • chibaguy
  • jonnybradley
  • koth
Meeting time: 12:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
4 2 0
  • Bsfez
  • Torsten
  • Jyhem
  • chibaguy
  • jonnybradley
  • koth
Meeting time: 13:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
7 0 0
  • Bsfez
  • jonnybradley
  • Torsten
  • Jyhem
  • gezza
  • chibaguy
  • koth
Meeting time: 14:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
4 1 1
  • Bsfez
  • jonnybradley
  • Jyhem
  • chibaguy
  • koth
  • Torsten
Meeting time: 15:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
3 1 2
  • jonnybradley
  • luci
  • Jyhem
  • Bsfez
  • Torsten
  • chibaguy
Meeting time: 16:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
2 1 3
  • jonnybradley
  • Jyhem
  • koth
  • Bsfez
  • Torsten
  • chibaguy
Meeting time: 17:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
1 1 2
  • Jyhem
  • jonnybradley
  • Bsfez
  • Torsten
Meeting time: 18:00 UTC
Accept Undecided Reject
2 2 1
  • Jyhem
  • Torsten
  • jonnybradley
  • koth
  • Bsfez


See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.




1st hour quick news

  • Quick update on releases (security) status
  • Quick update on Tiki15 LTS status
  • Quick updates on TikiFestFroscon2016 and TikiFestHu2016
  • Quick update on Facebook & Twitter integration

Second hour, longer topics

  • Planning TikiFestFroscon2016 and TikiFestHu2016
  • Strategy discussion for Tiki
    As it has been said in the devlist we are short of hands and summer won’t help
    We have to adapt so our ship flag Tiki15 doesn’t suffer anymore regression and the nasty ones are fixed.
  • state of the art of the communication to tiki site admins/users about the need to upgrade to latest versions with security fixes
  • shall we setup a specific "security" newsletter, and let users subscribe (new: at registration time, old after some newsletter message)?
  • Setting/reviewing guideline about strings and translation.
    Strings showed a variety of punctuation or pref insertion we have to decide what is the proper method we choose to avoid confusion.
    Some example:
    • Where should be placed the punctuation ? Outside the {tr} tags or inside ?
    • Should we use "..." or ". . ." or Unicode Character 'HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' (U+2026)
    • How $pref are to be inserted in the string ?
    • Using Transifex
      • Correction on "lib/core/Services/Language/Controller.php" as it is not working with Macintosh (On my Mac php file are Shell Script and the controller reject it).
    • add your...

    To illustrate in the same code distant from a 2 lines 2 different way:
    Found at templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl
    Copy to clipboard
    <option value="no_action" selected="selected"> {tr}Select action to perform with checked{/tr}... </option> <option value="remove_users"> {tr}Remove users...{/tr} </option>



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One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2016 07

Created by: Last Modification: Thursday 21 July 2016 06:04:07 GMT-0000 by Xavier de Pedro
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