
Roundtable Meeting 2019 05

Volunteering Facilitator: Jonny Bradley


(click to check time zone in your location)

The time is now:

Time in your timezone (when this page was last reloaded): Saturday 27 July 2024 12:38:10 UTC

The time and date was set by the participants vote below:

Date and Time Votes



https://live.tiki.org (broken)


See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.


This also needs to be scheduled; Cypht integration

First hour, quick news

  1. We have commit revision #70000! 😉 http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/70000
  2. show2.tiki.org is available for 19.x+ debugging
    Some assembly still required on dev.to
  3. Star (code)name for Tiki 20 votes

put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above

Second hour, longer topics

  1. Cypht integration (start time indicated above)
  2. Any quick ideas about Proposal for blog/news pages redesign? (if there's time maybe before scheduled Cypht discussion)

put your topic (max. 15 minutes) into the list above


  • share link to be added by Jonny Bradley as it was recorded in Jitsi Meet to Jonny's Dropbox


  • ...

put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above

Chat log

Pages related to this one

One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2019 05

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 16:25:09 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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