

Creating Surveys

Surveys can be viewed as "extended" polls. For some simple surveys, a poll may be enough. But when you want to be more precise about your users' opinions you need to create a survey. A survey is a collection of several questions. Statistics based on the answers are stored and may be viewed later.

Creating surveys

If you have the permission, you can create a survey by clicking the Admin surveys link in the Surveys section of the application menu. If you don't see a Surveys section, enable surveys from the Features section of the main Admin Panel.

The following form is used to create a survey:

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Fill in the information and then click the Questions link to add questions to a survey.

If the survey status is closed then users won't be able to take the survey. A survey can be set to close after a certain period of time.

Survey questions

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You can use several question types when creating a survey:

  • Short text questions
  • Single choice questions
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Rate 1..5 questions
  • Rate 1..10 questions

Select the question type and enter the question text. If the question has options, such as with single or multiple choice questions, enter the options separated by commas. The options will appear as possible answers to the questions.

Short text questions

A short text question will be displayed as an input text box where users can enter text. Tiki will store all the user answers to the question and list them in the stats (if two users enter the same text it will be displayed only once indicating the number of users that entered the text). This type of question can generate fairly long stats since it is unlikely that two users will type the same text.

Single choice questions

A single choice question will display the options as radio buttons and the user must select only one of the options.

Multiple choice questions

In a multiple choice question options will be displayed as checkboxes and the user will be able to click one, some or all the options.

Rate 1..5 questions

The user will be asked to rate the question topic from 1 to 5 using radio buttons.

Rate 1..10 questions

The user will be asked to rate the question topic from 1 to 10. Once a question is created as admin you can practice taking the survey and checking the stats, then you can clear the survey stats and get it ready to be used.

Listing surveys

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Surveys can be listed by clicking Surveys in the Application menu. Surveys that the user can take are displayed in bold and the title links to the survey form. If the user already took the survey or cannot take it, the survey title won't be a link.

Note that users can take each survey only once but admin can take a survey as many times as he or she wants. If you allow anonymous users to take surveys, users will be able to take a survey many times if they clear their cookies. If you want to enforce only one vote per user, make surveys available to registered users only.

Taking a survey

When you click on a survey in the listing you will be able to fill out the survey form.

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Survey stats

If you have the right permisisons, you can see stats for a survey. Stats will be displayed using the following format:

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Clicking on a survey name displays the stats for that survey's questions:


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Try it out

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Created by: Last Modification: Wednesday 22 October 2003 16:07:14 GMT-0000 by jdray
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