
TWR:_:minor issues

This is a todo list for minor issues on the *tiki.org websites.

fmg started this in early October '12 and it is a part of the

: Tiki Website Revamp.

1. tiki.org/tiki-newsletters.php

There is a orange box which starts with the text "Tiki News Releases",
and there are two URLs at the end. But it is not possible to click them

  • Newsletter descriptions are not parsed.

2. suite.tiki.org

https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php redirects to http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php (unsecure protocol).

Relates: to Areas Perspective Multi-domain dogfood

3. suite.tiki.org

The "Newest Blog Posts" (right side column) hyperlinks are dead. Message
is either "You are not logged in. Go to Log in Page" or "Blog not

Display of blog posts (temporarily) disabled

Relates: to Areas Perspective Multi-domain dogfood

3.1. login for reading the blog?

I guess it is not intended to log in just for reading the blog, is it?

Relates: to Areas Perspective Multi-domain dogfood as http://tiki.org/blogpost550-Updated-Smarties-coming-soon-I-hope is OK

4. doc.tiki.org/Download

https://doc.tiki.org/Download redirects to http://info.tiki.org/download and (besides the protocol
issue) it is not possible to edit this download documentation. There
are some issues how sourceforge generates URLs and this may lead to
a problem when using wget, but this problem is solved and should be
documented (as in IRC logs).
Update fmg:
The wget related issues are included in the download description now.

5. profiles.tiki.org (https)

No login possible, only from http://profiles.tiki.org/tiki-login_scr.php and not (!) from https://profiles.tiki.org/tiki-login_scr.php fixed

no "Stay in SSL mode" option

a similar problem (or exactly this one?) at themes.tiki.org was solved via IRC yesterday.

As of 2012-10-19
{img src="display366" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" height="50%" width="50%" max="400"}

6. security.tiki.org

In line Subscribe to the Tiki project information on Freecode (previously known as Freshmeat) the URL is http://freecode.com/projects/tikii with a redundant i at the end.
Comment by Rick S.:

We *really* should upgrade security.t.o to 9.x LTS (at least) and use the FiveAlive theme. Can whoever has admin rights contact me directly?

Comment by marclaporte:

Hi! Actually, there is next to no content on security.tiki.org

The reason it was a different site was for better SEO and for someone

to have a clear landing page, for security researchers, etc. We should just shut it down and make a http://dev.tiki.org/Areas+Perspective+Multi-domain+dogfood like http://suite.tiki.org/ is of tiki.org It should presumably be a subdomain of dev.tiki.org

7. info.tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php?page=Berater&no_bl=y (https)

Buttons _below_ the edit box didn't work properly, especially the
preview button erased all content from the edit box. At IRC ricks99
discovered double id usage as cause. Despite probably not all pages
at info.t.o were affected, he disabled the buttons below the edit box
as workaround. Problem not fixed yet.

8. irc.tiki.org (https)

Forbidden + https://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_logs/tikiwiki Not Found but http://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_logs/tikiwiki is available. fixed by changi

9. dev.tiki.org

The search function "Search Wishes (subject only)" (right column) seems to be restricted to tracker. It'd be helpful to have got a general search function as at the community, doc.t.o or info.t.o pages. fixed by Marc

10. info.tiki.org

The search button (magnifying glass) seems not to
work. It's necessary to press "Enter" (keyboard).

Marc Laporte wrote:

yeah, info.tiki.org a Tiki 6.x so until we upgrade to 9.x LTS, that is
how it will stay...

11. Search function and parsing of HTML-tags

example: community
search "tikifest", the first two result pages are:
(a) http://tiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?find=tikifest&boolean=on&boolean_last=y
(b) http://tiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?find=tikifest&boolean=on&offset=50
Starting at search result "TikiFestBarcelona2,de" in (a) and "TikiFestBarcelona2" in (b) the text is displayed in italic, up to the end of the whole search result page.

This is due to the fact that TikiFestBarcelona2
http://tiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona2 contains a box at the beginning of the page with contains an <em> tag which is quoted as active HTML tag within the search result, but the closing tag is not quoted.

12. Community login remember timeout

Despite activating the checkbox "Remember me (for 1 week)" the login
needs to be repeated after a few hours (less than four) of inactivity.
No cookies or other browser stuff were deleted during that time. Login
was via https with additional option "Stay in SSL mode:". This effect
doesn't occur with dev.t.o or doc.t.o login. Browser: Google Chrome.
Update fmg:
I checked again, https://tiki.org/tiki-login_scr.php this time with Firefox and https/stay SSL/remember me, the time to remember login during inactivity seems to be larger than 30min and smaller than 4h30min.

Next test: 11h of inactivity, but no logout with Google Chrome.

Whatever is decided should be default, please add to Preferences of *.tiki.org

13. Community avatar upload

At the page "User Preferences" the option "Pick user Avatar" allows to
choose and upload an avatar, but once this is done nothing happens. It
remains with status "no avatar". Confirmed with a small gif and a small
png, both smaller than 45px × 45px.

14. Community (userpage) - external links

By including an external link a little symbol¹ is put behind. As seen at
other projects, it could be helpful to use a different symbol for https
links (external). I suggest a little padlock. I suppose this cannot be
done without coding (just by CSS), can it?
¹ (img/icons/external_link.gif)

Related: External Wikis

15. Extra blank line in footer of community site

Some sites such as http://tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php has same Footer Code and yet, not the same result as other *.tiki.org sites. Why?

16. Colors doc.tiki.org

White text / yellow background is difficult to read, e.g. as in https://doc.tiki.org/Wiki-Syntax+Text&structure=Tiki+User+Guide#Quick_Reference_-_Basic_Text_Formatting

17. Issues with TAG

As one can observe at the LinuxTag table row in TikiFest#Germany, the link to 19thLinuxTag does not have LinuxTag to be clickable when you are logged on, but it is clickable when you are logged off.

18. quality.tiki.org and qa.tiki.org

The secure versions https://quality.tiki.org/ and https://qa.tiki.org/ are htaccess password protected. The login credentials in the description lead to 403 Forbidden.

19. live.tiki.org

The secure version isn't available and doen't redirect to https://tiki.org/live as expected. This is not one of the main servers, and thus, the SSL certificate has not been installed there.

20. demo.tiki.org

The secure version is a redirect to http only. This is not one of the main servers, and thus, the SSL certificate has not been installed there.

21. i18n.tiki.org

The secure version is a redirect to http only. This is not one of the main servers, and thus, the SSL certificate has not been installed there.

22. Look & Feel

Fixed width (Look & Feel -> Theme) should be disabled. It's more convenient to have a huge width in the mid part if one uses an appropriate browser window size. Hopefully the edit box width will increase, too.

23. Calendar function

It'd be a nice feature to have a calendar with events as TikiFest, TikiLive, FOSS meetings and stuff like that. Should be either left or right column.
We could get RSS from http://info.tiki.org/tiki-calendar.php ?

24. Left column vanishes

http://tiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona3 Right column vanishes too, but it can be toggled visible again. Browserindependent.

25. Different Logos

Upper left Tiki logos in different colors differ slightly in position inside the image, e.g. community and info.t.o, while community, dev and doc seem to be identical in postion

26. FAQ not available

I have added a fix for the FAQ feature.
"r44002 FIX Fix the all get_faq references. They were not updated when the faq functions were moved out of TikiLib." Backported to 10 and 9, too. Arild.

Forum links to several FAQ pages, but they do not exist:
https://doc.tiki.org/tiki-view_faq.php secure

  • The FAQ feature was deprecated some time ago. The FAQ links should redirect to the Tiki FAQs wiki page.
    The redirect seems to work correctly (for me):
    http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-view_faq.php -> http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php?page=Tiki%20FAQs&redirectpage=

    • This is odd: the redirect does not work here with FF8
    • It does work with Epiphany.
    • Works in Linux FF 16.0.2


TWR:_:minor issues

Created by: Last Modification: Monday 03 December 2012 22:23:06 GMT-0000 by Torsten Fabricius
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