
Tiki Suite Components

Any still relevant info here should be moved to http://wikisuite.org/Software-Components

Tiki Suite is mostly a server solution so users should be able to do almost everything via a modern browser. However, there are some times where the browser is not (yet) ideal, and client software should be recommended. Ideally, this client software is

  • available in a portable mode (This means there is no "installation". The user can just use a USB key/portable disk.)
  • Cross-platform
  • Can start up and log in when user boots up computer
  • User enters credential in client app, and any relevant data is synched

We'll be looking for both desktop apps and mobile apps, with F-Droid.

To find out how components are selected, please see: selection criteria. If you have some ideas, please do share them.


They are split on several servers to ease management (Kaltura especially)

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki will handle Workspaces, News articles, Forums, Bug & Issue Trackers and Forms & reports, Calendar, File Gallery (Document management), Spreadsheet, Accounting, Commerce, Survey, Maps, CRM/Help Desk, Search, Workflow (Transitions), Blogs, Web Services, Slideshow, Social networking, Newsletters, Project Management, Drawings (SVG), Translation Management, RSS, Ratings & Comments

Tiki is the FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features and covers a very diverse set of Use Cases. The Tiki community is very active and there are two major versions per year. Please see: Roadmap

Typically, one Tiki instance outside the Firewall for public/customer/community website and one Tiki instance behind the Firewall for staff.

Tiki is based on the following technologies: PHP / MySQL / Smarty / jQuery / Zend Framework / Bootstrap. License: LGPL


For Server, Network, and Gateway, see: ClearOS


For an email system (including calendars, etc.), see Kolab

Openfire Meetings

For real time collaboration, instant messaging, etc. : Openfire


PBX-telephony: FreeSWITCH.


Kaltura is a full-featured video management platform, managed via a web browser.

Kaltura License: AGPL

You can try it out at kaltura.com or you can get the self-hosted community edition from kaltura.org


See: Piwik

License: GPL


See: Elasticsearch


Syncthing -> For now, focusing on P2P file sync, but soon-ish, we'll add the ClearOS server as a central node.


Adding a new client or re-installing a client should become quick & painless. So moving more towards cattle in the pets vs cattle analogy. Software should be easy to install / move / backup simply by moving the files, as we do with data files.

For Android, you can get apps from F-Droid.


See Firefox

Thunderbird or SeaMonkey

See Thunderbird or SeaMonkey


See KeePass


See Jitsi

OpenVPN client

OpenVPN is part of ClearOS.


Syncthing -> For now, focusing on P2P file sync, but soon-ish, we'll add the ClearOS server as a central node.

Desktop & virtualization



Another the way to look at it:

Core Apps Saas
Mail Thunderbird or SeaMonkey & or Kolab KolabNow
Video Kaltura Kaltura.com
Desktop & virtualization KVM & Lubuntu
Real-time communication (RTC) Base: Openfire Meetings
FreeSWITCH & FusionPBX
Web app Tiki & Firefox On ClearOS or shared hosting
Server & network & files ClearOS, OpenVPN, etc. and Syncthing many like Linode
Search Elasticsearch Many options
Stats Piwik Piwik PRO
Passwords KeePass

Created by: Last Modification: Wednesday 27 March 2019 06:58:49 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte
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