
Tiki Suite Roadmap

As of 2014-03-15, we are currently at phase 2. We have two Tiki Suite service providers.

Big picture

  1. Pick all main components
  2. Make sure everything works together and there is a workable path for missing things over the next 1-2 years
    • We should have decided about improve an existing component vs adding one
  3. Promote to all projects
  4. Make installation easier
  5. Make everything more secure
  6. Improve usability
  7. Promote in general
  8. Improve each component and of course upstream enhancements

Phase 1 - Initiate the project

Gather the experience, knowledge and wisdom of people that have a vast/broad/diverse experience. This group will help determine the global plan and help identify and invite the right people/components.

  • Make a micro-site explaining the project (started) todo
  • Identify key people to get feedback about the project and the component selection
    • What is potential? What are risks?
  • Identify people willing to participate
  • Identify projects/communities as part of the Tiki Suite
    • Get in touch with them and see their interest (through developer channels)
  • Explore avenues for external assistance by foundations & associations who would likely like to see this happen.
    • Funding the Tiki Suite and encouraging their network to use it will have a huge impact
  • Identify potential service providers
    • Current service providers in each of the components which can easily add services
    • Service providers that currently provide these types of services (ex.:ClearCenter partners)
  • Review current Roadmap with active participants

Phase 2 - FLOSS service providers that will eventually offer Tiki Suite services

This group sees the potential and will start to dogfood themselves.

  • The components are all selected
    • After careful analysis, components are selected. If all goes well, this will not change, but if some components are not working out for technical, community or whatever reasons, we still keep this option.
  • Communities start collaborating
  • Add sections to suite.tiki.org to focus on documentation, but reports, feature requests, related to the Suite (but keeping application-specific stuff on their respective sites
    • Adding SCM if needed
  • Document "manual" assembly (recipe) of the Suite
  • Document business models to encourage SaaS offerings and services ecosystem from within each of the existing communities.
  • Branding/Marketing/Promotion/Community events to FLOSS developers
    • Promote the Suite on each component's site
    • Present at FOSDEM, OSCON, etc.
  • Service providers start offering consulting services
  • Apply for funding from foundations & associations
  • Dogfood with select communities
  • Add config panels in Tiki and in other apps
    • Tiki already has an admin panel for Kaltura

Phase 3 - FLOSS service providers that want to use

This could be FLOSS shop that has the needs, want to use, will recommend to others, will contribute bug reports and documentation but that doesn't intend to one day offer service.

  • The components are all confirmed
    • This assumes that all went well until now. If some components are not working out for technical, community or whatever reasons, we want to resolve as soon as possible.
  • Establish a governance model for the Tiki Suite.
  • Generate a first semi-automated setup (ex.: apt-get all the components)
  • Branding/Marketing/Promotion/Community events to the general public
  • Service providers are investing in infrastructure because they are dogfooding and they know it'll soon be a compelling offering. It's stable and powerful but not yet sexy.
  • SaaS offerings are starting to be available, but not yet automated
    • Tiki's shopping cart and CRM are dogfed and improved for this.
  • Interoperability between the components is improving. Things look different, but issues are reported and fixed.
  • By now, there is a clear list of all feature requests and bug reports with respect to interoperability between the components. Limitations and workarounds are documented.

Phase 4 - Tech-minded organizations that want to use

These organization understand FLOSS and see its potential and are ready to go with us through the growing pains.

  • The Tiki Suite is easy to deploy and available via appliances with tools to manage each part.
  • A viable and growing services ecosystem exists in many countries.
  • All major interoperability issues are resolved.

Phase 5 - any small organization

Tiki Suite is a compelling alternative to existing offering for any small organization, without a tech

  • The UI and branding is refined
  • SaaS offerings are mature and you can get the Tiki Suite by filling out a web form
  • All remaining interoperability issues are resolved.

Phase 6 - any medium-sized organization

Feature-wise and integration-wise, it's a among the best systems, FLOSS or Commercial. IT departments have option of rolling out Tiki Suite themselves, hiring service providers or getting SaaS (with no lock-in whatsoever).

  • Improving scalability and redundancy

Created by: Last Modification: Sunday 15 November 2015 04:13:03 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte
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