AvanTech.net offers paid support for everything related to Tiki Suite. We want many many more!
If you want to get the full package without maintaining any server software on your end -> Tiki Suite SaaS
Installation, Customization, Configuration, Training
You want someone to install the Tiki Suite on your infrastructure and train your team. Ideally installation would be "on click" in that it would come in form of VMs and/or installer scripts allowing the setup to replicated quickly.
You want someone to remotely support your setup of Tiki Suite. Ex.: Monitoring, upgrades, etc.
Feature development
Tiki Suite does most of what you need. You like the idea. You saved some money and you want to contribute back. So you sponsor new features or better integration, which will be part of the Tiki Suite.
Services around Tiki Suite
These are services for things that are Not in Tiki Suite, like getting a phone number, a domain name, etc..