

TikiFest Brazil 2011

TikiFest Brazil

ATTENTION 1: This page has been translated into Portuguese laguange. See the language pop-up menu at the top right of this page. Please help us to maintain this page updated in both English and Portuguese languages.
ATTENTION 2: The event will happen but the date needs to be determined.


A tradition in the Tiki community, a TikiFest is a meeting between Tiki community members (that usually only meet online). This is an opportunity to socialize, code and discuss about wiki technology and culture, etc.


End of June, probably from 2011-06-21 to 2011-06-27, to be able to participate on FISL (a big free software event in Porto Alegre, Brazil). Next FISL will be from 2011-06-29 to 2011-07-02. We would apply to have a talk about Tiki and a booth at the event.


We have discussed two different options. We can do one or both.

  • Host the event in a big city (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or Porto Alegre). Better for networking with Brazilian free software enthusiasts and better internet connection meaning that will be easier to host conferences with others that can't came to the TikiFest but want to participate.
  • Go to a smaller city in the coast near a beautiful beach. Better to enjoy the best of Brazil (big cities are almost the same everywhere in the world) and to focus on specific Tiki tasks with the attendants of the event.

More on the different location options:

  • Rio de Janeiro (map):
    • Big city, probably Brazilian second economic center, and beautiful at the same time (in the coast) 😊
    • Rodrigo is living in Rio now so it is easier for him to organize a TikiFest there (or in São Paulo)

  • Porto Alegre (map):
    • FISL happens in Porto Alegre


The plan is to rent a TikiHouse.


Please fulfill the board below to help us to better understand visitor needs and expectations


Namehome cityArrival
What support do you need?
Rodrigo Sampaio Rio de Janeiro
Wallace Goulart (wggley) Rio de Janeiro


Namehome cityArrival DateDepartureNote
Marc Laporte (not possible for Summer 2011) Montreal
Louis-Philippe Huberdeau (not possible for Summer 2011) Montreal
Régis Barondeau (not possible for Summer 2011) Montreal
Matthew (has not attended a TikiFest in a while) London
Pierre Laporte (not possible for Summer 2011) Montreal
Nelson Ko Toronto
Rafael P. (rpp) Porto Alegre
Olaf-Michael(omstefanov) Vienna, Austria

Suggested topics

Enterprise Social Networking

  • What are the big issues for great enterprises?

Organize the Brazilian (or South American) Tiki community

More translation to Brazilian Portuguese (also Spanish?)

What else?

Created by: Last Modification: Thursday 19 May 2011 15:35:51 GMT-0000 by macnific
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