Where | |
Tikifest Strasbourg 2011 is planned to be held within the premises of the Council of Europe
When | |
Who | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Topics of interest | |
Program | |
Wednesday | |
Thursday | |
+ i18n vs. wikitranslate.net not yet discussed
Friday | |
Accomodation | |
 quick update / info from the devel-list Thank you big time for giving us accomodation and support us with your flat as TikiHouse, Rémy. From tonight (8th) Jonny and Torsten will open the TikiCamp at Camping Montagne Verte in the west of Strasbourg, very close to the city centre.
TikiCamp 1.0 | |
These photos kindly taken and supplied by Jyhem:
Let's take advantage of the work done by the people from Libre Software Meeting (LSM).
Jean-Marc's findings
There is also the European Youth Centre Strasbourg (EYCS) (no age requirements) which is near Council of Europe and Tram. I'm told it usually has rooms even during parliamentary sessions.
In terms of what could resemble a TikiHouse, there is a hotel that has suites which can accept up to 4 people here: http://www.victoriagarden.com/-Strasbourg-1-2-.html
That's the summary of my findings... I'm not sure these findings look better than Torsten's Camping-besides-the-youth-Hostel plan 😊 ... |
Travel | |
How to come to Strasbourg by train
by car
by ship
Related links | |
Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (2011.rmll.info) happen right afterwards.