

Protect your dynamic webapps using http://www.modsecurity.org/

On gentoo

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emerge mod_security

Then setup /etc/apache2/conf/modules.d/99_mod_security.conf

Most important is, you will only want to filter your dynamic content, not the static pages, so make sure the 'SecFilterEngine' directive is set to 'DynamicOnly'.

For protecting Tikiwiki these are useful:

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SecFilter "tiki-install.php" SecFilter "tiki-edit_templates.php"

The modsecurity rules at gotroot got updated on aug12 2005, check them out:

also see the autoupdater script there: "Downloading the rules automatically" at the bottom of the page...

Take a look at the example below for inspiration:

This script should work with modsecurity 1.8.6 and apache2.

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LoadModule security_module extramodules/mod_security.so # Examples below are taken from the online documentation # Refer to: # http://www.modsecurity.org/documentation/quick-examples.html # Turn the filtering engine On or Off SecFilterEngine On SecFilter DynamicOnly # Action to take by default SecFilterDefaultAction "deny,log,status:403" SecServerSignature "Apache2" # Make sure that URL encoding is valid SecFilterCheckURLEncoding On SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding Off SecFilterCheckCookieFormat Off # Should mod_security inspect POST payloads SecFilterScanPOST Off # Only allow bytes from this range SecFilterForceByteRange 1 255 # The audit engine works independently and # can be turned On of Off on the per-server or # on the per-directory basis. "On" will log everything, # "DynamicOrRelevant" will log dynamic requests or violations, # and "RelevantOnly" will only log policy violations SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly # The name of the audit log file SecAuditLog logs/audit_log SecFilterDebugLog logs/modsec_debug_log SecFilterDebugLevel 0 # SecFilterSelective REQUEST_METHOD "^POST$" chain # SecFilterSelective HTTP_CONTENT-TYPE "!(^application/x-www-form-urlencoded$|^multipart/form-data;)" SecFilterSelective HTTP_Transfer-Encoding "!^$" # Prevent OS specific keywords SecFilter /etc/passwd SecFilter /etc/shadow # Prevent path traversal (..) attacks SecFilter "\.\./" # Weaker XSS protection but allows common HTML tags SecFilter "<[[:space:]]*script" # Prevent XSS atacks (HTML/Javascript injection) SecFilter "<(.|\n)+>" # Very crude filters to prevent SQL injection attacks SecFilter "delete[[:space:]]+from" SecFilter "insert[[:space:]]+into" SecFilter "select.+from" SecFilterSelective COOKIE_sessionid "!^(|[0-9]{1,9})$" ···· # Require HTTP_USER_AGENT and HTTP_HOST headers SecFilterSelective "HTTP_USER_AGENT|HTTP_HOST" "^$" SecFilterSelective "HTTP_ACCEPT" "^$" log,pass ···· # Forbid file upload #SecFilterSelective "HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE" multipart/form-data # Only watch argument p1 #SecFilterSelective "ARG_p1" 555 # Watch all arguments except p1 #SecFilterSelective "ARGS|!ARG_p2" 666 # Only allow our own test utility to send requests (or Mozilla) #SecFilterSelective HTTP_USER_AGENT "!(mod_security|mozilla)" # Do not allow variables with this name #SecFilterSelective ARGS_NAMES 777 # Do now allow this variable value (names are ok) #SecFilterSelective ARGS_VALUES 888 # Test for a POST variable parsing bug, see test #41 #SecFilterSelective ARG_p2 AAA # Stop spamming through FormMail # note the exclamation mark at the beginning # of the filter - only requests that match this regex will # be allowed # # SecFilterSelective "ARG_recipient" "!@webkreator.com$" # # when allowing upload, only allow images # note that this is not foolproof, a determined attacker # could get around this· # # SecFilterInheritance Off # SecFilterSelective POST_PAYLOAD "!image/(jpeg|bmp|gif)" # # WEB-ATTACKS ps command attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/bin/ps" # WEB-ATTACKS /bin/ps command attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "ps\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS wget command attempt SecFilter "wget\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS uname -a command attempt SecFilter "uname\x20-a" # WEB-ATTACKS /usr/bin/id command attempt SecFilter "/usr/bin/id" # WEB-ATTACKS id command attempt SecFilter "\;id" # WEB-ATTACKS echo command attempt SecFilter "/bin/echo" # WEB-ATTACKS kill command attempt SecFilter "/bin/kill" # WEB-ATTACKS chmod command attempt SecFilter "/bin/chmod" # WEB-ATTACKS chgrp command attempt SecFilter "/chgrp" # WEB-ATTACKS chown command attempt SecFilter "/chown" # WEB-ATTACKS chsh command attempt SecFilter "/usr/bin/chsh" # WEB-ATTACKS tftp command attempt SecFilter "tftp\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS /usr/bin/gcc command attempt SecFilter "/usr/bin/gcc" # WEB-ATTACKS gcc command attempt SecFilter "gcc\x20-o" # WEB-ATTACKS /usr/bin/cc command attempt SecFilter "/usr/bin/cc" # WEB-ATTACKS cc command attempt SecFilter "cc\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS /usr/bin/cpp command attempt SecFilter "/usr/bin/cpp" # WEB-ATTACKS cpp command attempt SecFilter "cpp\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS /usr/bin/g++ command attempt SecFilter "/usr/bin/g\+\+" # WEB-ATTACKS g++ command attempt SecFilter "g\+\+\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS bin/python access attempt SecFilter "bin/python" # WEB-ATTACKS python access attempt SecFilter "python\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS bin/tclsh execution attempt SecFilter "bin/tclsh" # WEB-ATTACKS tclsh execution attempt SecFilter "tclsh8\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS bin/nasm command attempt SecFilter "bin/nasm" # WEB-ATTACKS nasm command attempt SecFilter "nasm\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS /usr/bin/perl execution attempt SecFilter "/usr/bin/perl" # WEB-ATTACKS perl execution attempt SecFilter "perl\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS nt admin addition attempt SecFilter "net localgroup administrators /add" # WEB-ATTACKS traceroute command attempt SecFilter "traceroute\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS ping command attempt SecFilter "/bin/ping" # WEB-ATTACKS netcat command attempt SecFilter "nc\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS nmap command attempt SecFilter "nmap\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS xterm command attempt SecFilter "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm" # WEB-ATTACKS X application to remote host attempt SecFilter "\x20-display\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS lsof command attempt SecFilter "lsof\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS mail command attempt SecFilter "/bin/mail" # WEB-ATTACKS mail command attempt SecFilter "mail\x20" # WEB-ATTACKS /bin/ls command attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/bin/ls" # WEB-ATTACKS /etc/inetd.conf access SecFilter "/etc/inetd\.conf" log,pass # WEB-ATTACKS /etc/motd access SecFilter "/etc/motd" log,pass # WEB-ATTACKS /etc/shadow access SecFilter "/etc/shadow" log,pass # WEB-ATTACKS conf/httpd.conf attempt SecFilter "conf/httpd\.conf" log,pass # WEB-ATTACKS .htgroup access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\.htgroup" log,pass # WEB-ATTACKS .htgroup access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "tiki\-install\.php" log,pass # WEB-CCGI bash access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/bash" log,pass # WEB-CGI perl.exe command attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/perl\.exe\?" # WEB-CGI perl.exe access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/perl\.exe" # WEB-CGI perl command attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/perl\?" # WEB-CGI zsh access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/zsh" # WEB-CGI csh access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/csh" # WEB-CGI tcsh access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/tcsh" # WEB-CGI rsh access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/rsh" # WEB-CGI ksh access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/ksh" # WEB-CGI swc access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/swc" # WEB-CGI AltaVista Intranet Search directory traversal attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/query\?mss=\.\." # WEB-CGI test.bat access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/test\.bat" log,pass # WEB-CGI input.bat access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/input\.bat" log,pass # WEB-CGI input2.bat access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/input2\.bat" log,pass # WEB-CGI envout.bat access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/envout\.bat" log,pass # WEB-CGI echo.bat arbitrary command execution attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/echo\.bat" chain SecFilter "&" # WEB-CGI echo.bat access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/echo\.bat" log,pass # WEB-CGI hello.bat arbitrary command execution attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/hello\.bat" chain SecFilter "&" # WEB-CGI hello.bat access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/hello\.bat" log,pass # WEB-CGI tst.bat access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/tst\.bat" log,pass # WEB-CLIENT Outlook EML access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\.eml" # WEB-CLIENT XMLHttpRequest attempt SecFilter "file\://" # WEB-CLIENT readme.eml download attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/readme\.eml" # WEB-CLIENT readme.eml autoload attempt SecFilter "window\.open\(\"readme\.eml\"" # WEB-CLIENT Javascript document.domain attempt SecFilter "document\.domain\(" # WEB-CLIENT Javascript URL host spoofing attempt SecFilter "javascript\://" # WEB-IIS unicode directory traversal attempt SecFilter "/\.\.\xc0\xaf\.\./" # WEB-IIS unicode directory traversal attempt SecFilter "/\.\.\xc1\x1c\.\./" # WEB-IIS unicode directory traversal attempt SecFilter "/\.\.\xc1\x9c\.\./" # WEB-IIS unicode directory traversal attempt SecFilter "/\.\.\x255c\.\." # WEB-MISC cross site scripting attempt SecFilter "" # WEB-MISC cross site scripting \(img src=javascript\) attempt SecFilter "img src=javascript" # WEB-MISC Cisco IOS HTTP configuration attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/exec/" # WEB-MISC Netscape Enterprise DOS SecFilter "REVLOG / " # WEB-MISC Netscape Enterprise directory listing attempt #SecFilter "INDEX " # WEB-MISC iPlanet GETPROPERTIES attempt SecFilter "GETPROPERTIES" # WEB-MISC weblogic view source attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\.js\x70" # WEB-MISC Tomcat directory traversal attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\x00\.jsp" # WEB-MISC Tomcat view source attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\x252ejsp" # WEB-MISC ftp attempt SecFilter "ftp\.exe" log,pass # WEB-MISC xp_enumdsn attempt SecFilter "xp_enumdsn" # WEB-MISC xp_filelist attempt SecFilter "xp_filelist" # WEB-MISC xp_availablemedia attempt SecFilter "xp_availablemedia" # WEB-MISC xp_cmdshell attempt SecFilter "xp_cmdshell" # WEB-MISC nc.exe attempt SecFilter "nc\.exe" log,pass # WEB-MISC wsh attempt SecFilter "wsh\.exe" log,pass # WEB-MISC rcmd attempt SecFilter "rcmd\.exe" log,pass # WEB-MISC telnet attempt SecFilter "telnet\.exe" log,pass # WEB-MISC net attempt SecFilter "net\.exe" log,pass # WEB-MISC tftp attempt SecFilter "tftp\.exe" log,pass # WEB-MISC xp_regread attempt SecFilter "xp_regread" log,pass # WEB-MISC xp_regwrite attempt SecFilter "xp_regwrite" log,pass # WEB-MISC xp_regdeletekey attempt SecFilter "xp_regdeletekey" log,pass # WEB-MISC WebDAV search access SecFilter "SEARCH " log,pass # WEB-MISC .htpasswd access SecFilter "\.htpasswd" # WEB-MISC Lotus Domino directory traversal SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\.\./" # WEB-MISC WebDAV propfind access SecFilter "xmlns\:a=\"DAV\">" log,pass # WEB-MISC Allaire JRUN DOS attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "servlet/\.\.\.\.\.\.\." # WEB-MISC ICQ Webfront HTTP DOS SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?" # WEB-MISC cd.. SecFilter "cd\.\." # WEB-MISC ///cgi-bin access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "///cgi-bin" # WEB-MISC /cgi-bin/// access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/cgi-bin///" # WEB-MISC /~root access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/~root" # WEB-MISC /~ftp access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/~ftp" # WEB-MISC cat%20 access #SecFilter "cat\x20" # WEB-MISC get32.exe access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/get32\.exe" # WEB-MISC whisker HEAD/./ SecFilter "HEAD/\./" # WEB-MISC long basic authorization string SecFilter "Authorization\: Basic " # WEB-MISC http directory traversal SecFilter "\.\./" # WEB-MISC sadmind worm access SecFilter "GET x HTTP/1\.0" # WEB-MISC mod-plsql administration access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/admin_/" log,pass # WEB-MISC Phorecast remote code execution attempt SecFilter "includedir=" # WEB-MISC .history access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/\.history" # WEB-MISC .bash_history access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/\.bash_history" # WEB-MISC /~nobody access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/~nobody" # WEB-MISC SecureSite authentication bypass attempt SecFilter "secure_site, ok" # WEB-MISC Apache Chunked-Encoding worm attempt SecFilter "CCCCCCC\: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" # WEB-MISC Transfer-Encoding\: chunked SecFilter "chunked" # WEB-MISC webalizer access #SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/webalizer/" log,pass # WEB-MISC robots.txt access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/robots\.txt" log,pass # WEB-MISC robot.txt access SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/robot\.txt" log,pass # WEB-MISC Linksys router default password login attempt \(\:admin\) SecFilter "Authorization\: Basic OmFkbWlu" # WEB-MISC Linksys router default password login attempt \(admin\:admin\) SecFilter "YWRtaW46YWRtaW4" # WEB-MISC perl post attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/perl/" chain SecFilter "POST" # WEB-MISC TRACE attempt SecFilter "TRACE" # WEB-PHP squirrel mail spell-check arbitrary command attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/squirrelspell/modules/check_me\.mod\.php" chain SecFilter "SQSPELL_APP\[" # WEB-PHP squirrel mail theme arbitrary command attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/left_main\.php" chain SecFilter "cmdd=" # WEB-PHP PHP-Wiki cross site scripting attempt SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "" SecFilter "delete[[:space:]]+from" SecFilter "insert[[:space:]]+into" SecFilter "select.+from"
Created by: Last Modification: Friday 12 August 2005 19:32:42 GMT-0000 by Lorinc
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