

Profile-related content should be moved to http://profiles.tiki.org


This is a (not functional yet, kind of "alpha" state) work in progress: Use it at your own risk! 😊

This profile is intended for a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), which could be an association, cooperative, community with some common goals, etc.

Profile details

Main details are:

  • Multilingual enabled (two languages added in profile as a i18n setting showcase: English and Catalan)
    • Enabled: best language, edit translation through web interface.
  • Homepage for anonymous ("Welcome!") different from homepage for registered ("Help").
  • Columns:
    • Columnless homepage, in three languages, through Theme Control using a modified version of your theme style (twist.css and tpl's, in our case), which has a modified tiki.tpl so that no lateral columns are shown (twist_nocolumns.css and tpl's). Files attached to this page.
    • All features have left column on (except Homepage), and some features have right column on
    • Left column shows only main menu (using phplayermenu), upcoming events and switch_language modules, for anonymous users.
    • For registered users...
  • ...

(to be continued)

Try it out

See a site made upon this profile at: http://moviments.net/valldelcorb


Some article topics and their images from openclipart.org should be included within the Profile, but unluckily they are currently not added by default from the script to create profiles.

To Do (after TikiFest198 )
  • homepage in 2 languages: English and Catalan

  • change user page prefix to ))UserPage((

  • create same module with menu NGO in two languages: English and Catalan

  • translate menu NGO to English

  • write more details in this page about this profile

  • article topic and topic images pre-filled with public domain images (from openclipart.com )

  • One message added to internal messaging (en/ca)

  • Main users: admin/admin & user/user (en) & usuaria/usuaria (ca interface)

  • Translate:
    • "Welcome message in forums" with basic info about them.
    • Homepage for anonymous
    • Module names en/ca

  • Theme style: chose another one (the nicer the best) with LGPL license to avoid legal issues 😕

For more information

Started by Xavi, as something to start with... Feel free to improve it (easily, sure 😊

Other pages related to this Tiki Profile

Related pages for Tiki Profiles, in general

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 16:45:50 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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