User Documentation
An "Avatar" is a graphical representation of the user. It is used in the forums to identify the user when he posts a message in a forum. If the user is anonymous or didn't select it's avatar no avatar is displayed.
To select your avatar as a registered user click the "pick avatar link" in the user preferences page.
insert graphic
You can select an avatar from the library (there're more than 500) or you can upload a picture/image to be used as your avatar (it will be resized to 45x45).
Note: A .jpg avatar did not work for me, but a .gif file did work. Better to stick with gif files for avatars.
Damian: I believe there is actually code there that says avatar has to be a gif ð
The avatar will be displayed in forum posts.
insert graphic
Try it out
please link to the live Feature on
The bundled AVATARs of our friendly cartoons are now available on in the release of 1.9 you will be able to install them via a suitable web based mods installer.
shanew: The avatar images are no longer bundled as of 1.9RC2, nor do they appear to be at as of 2005/07/25 (Indeed, nothing appears to be at right now). They can be downloaded from CVS, however, at*checkout*/tikiwiki/_mods/avatars/tikiavatars/avatars.tar.gz
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