

Nuno's page

I've been looking for a cms to manage my personal site for quite some time but until now nothing seemed to fit the bill.

This looks promising so I've installed it and am now testing it slowly (as time permits).

I hope to put some of my more interesting findings in here to share with others.

Installation and usage issues

Having installed tiki quite recently I've begun to explore the modules it brings with it and found a few things I had to change or tweak in order to get it running on my system.

Since I'm not quite sure where the best place to put this info is I'll just stick it here where it can be easily reached due to the power of full-text search 😀 and move it to a better place if I ever find any.

First off I think I should state my set-up:

  • tikiwiki v. 1.8 -Polaris-;
  • apache 1.3.29 webserver running on a iBook under Mac OS X 10.3.2 (Panther);
  • php version 4.3.4, installed from the Entropy-PHP-4.3.4-1 package

I have another tikiwiki installed on my Linux box but I really need to recompile apache and PHP on it so I didn't try very hard on that platform.

After the installation I started trying out tikiwiki and I am activating and exploring modules one by one. So far I've come across these issues:

Global search dies on the blog posts part

I traced this problem to the lack of a FULLTEXT index on the tiki_blog_posts table. This index existed on the file fulltext.sql but I haven't checked if that file is ever used during installation.

Anyway, the way to get the search to work was to create the index, but I had to use a different name for it since the name refered to in that file was already in use.
This may indicate that the index actually exists but I haven't checked this yet - no time 😑.

This command "create fulltext index ft2 on tiki_blog_posts (data);" creates the necessary index and solves the problem.

Anyone out there with a cleaner solution?

Communications problems - sending objects not working

This one I found out while trying to send a few pages to another tikiwiki.

Apparently on prior versions of PHP you had to provide xml encoding and decoding functions but this doesn't seem to be the case anymore as I got an error about a couple of functions (xmlrpc_encode and xmlrpc_decode) redefined in xmlrpc.inc.

All I had to do to solve this one was to comment them out in the file indicated and things turned out OK after that.

Once again, I'm assuming that this is something that PHP 4.3.4 (or some other modules compiled into my PHP package) provides now and that it didn't provide before, but this assumption needs verification, after all assumption is the mother of all fuck-up! 😀.

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 February 2004 19:31:50 GMT-0000 by Nuno Nunes
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